Where can you read reviews about local lawn services?

Where can you read reviews about local lawn services?

Where can you read reviews about local lawn services?

Taking a leap of faith and hiring a lawn guy with no reviews can be scary... 

But where can you read reliable reviews about local lawn services?

The problem is most local lawn services don’t even have any kind of web presence.  

If you do a Google search, odds are you won't find them. 

The fact is 90% of the lawn care services cutting grass in your area do not have profiles on these review sites.  

So how do you find the right lawn care pro without falling for a contractor scam

Let’s find out!

How do I avoid hiring a bad lawn care company?

The truth is even if a lawn care provider does have a profile. How do you know it's not their friends and family leaving the positive reviews you are reading over? 

You really have no way of knowing. 

Well... you could ask them for references from other customers, and personally check out their equipment before hiring them, but that can take a lot of time

After all, you probably need the lawn mowed tomorrow.  

So you're left with taking a gamble. But don't worry, we can help you narrow down the pack.

#1- GreenPal Lawn Care Reviews

Reliable lawn care reviews are one of the problems we are trying to solve with GreenPal.  

Look, the ONLY reviews in GreenPal are from other GreenPal customers that have used the lawn service that you are considering. 

So you know they are legit. Each review is from actual lawn mowing transactions.

If you want to see lawn care reviews on GreenPal, sign up is free!

Pros: Legitimate reviews from verified transactions. 

Cons: Available only for GreenPal members and vendors. 

#2- Yelp Lawn Care Reviews

Not many companies will have reviews on Yelp because their filter is so strict.  

Pro tip! if you do see a company on Yelp you are considering. Look down at the bottom of the page and see "hidden reviews."  Odds are there will be additional reviews there that you can read. 

These have been hidden by Yelp's filter for a number of possible reasons, but they are usually legit and you can still use these for consideration.

While Yelp does a better job than any other review sites of filtering, their reviews can still be gamed.

Pros: Strict review screenings. 

Cons: Hidden reviews, and not tied to actual transactions.

#3- Facebook Lawn Care Reviews

Facebook is a lot like Yelp. Many lawn care providers may not have any reviews.. 

However, on Facebook the filtering is not as strict so their reviews may be created through gaming the system.

Yet, it would be best to hire someone with at least one review vs no reviews at all.

Pros: Most lawn care companies have a Facebook page.

Cons: Anyone can leave a review.

#4- Angie’s List Lawn Care Reviews

Angie's List is all about reviews! 

Here’s a secret though, the problem I see with their service is that they actually charge their contractors to be members.  

So It just seems kinda phony to me, but it's still a good place to consider.

Pros: Verified contractors. 

Cons: Vendors pay for the service. 

#5- Thumbtack Lawn Care Reviews

Some lawn vendors are on Thumbtack, but not most.  

The only drawback I see with Thumbtack is that they also charge their lawn vendors.  Rather than a monthly fee like Angie's List, they charge per the lead. 

So if you request a quote on Thumbtack, the contractor that responds to you is actually paying around $10 just for the opportunity to speak with you... Talk about a racket!

Vendors despise this way of getting business, and it's probably going to show in the integrity of the reviews

So reviews on Thumbtack may not be as reliable.

Pros: Verified reviews. 

Cons: Not as reliable because each lead costs the contractor. 

The Bottom Line on Lawn Care Reviews

Bottom line, (unless you do a ton of leg work by personally vetting the vendor). You have few options for really knowing if the lawn service you are about to hire is legit. 

But don't worry, GreenPal is growing quickly and will be in your area soon if not already!

In the meantime, you can read more great articles on our blog like this article on knowing when to fire a landscaper.

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