What is a fair hourly rate or lawn care, are you getting ripped off?

What is a fair hourly rate or lawn care, are you getting ripped off?

What is a fair hourly rate or lawn care, are you getting ripped off?

So you’re about to hire a lawn care service and you’re wondering. 

What is a fair price to pay for landscaping? 

Or what is a fair hourly rate to pay for lawn care services?

The good news is that you're not alone, 

Look, the fact is, this is a question we often get running the GreenPal platform. And, helping homeowners all over America find, schedule, and pay local lawn care services.

It gets better. We decided to research to get to the bottom of what is a fair hourly rate to pay for lawn mowing services.

Here is what we learned!

The Factors of Determining a Fair Lawn Care Rate

It's crazy because it's not as straightforward a question as you might think…

  • First of all should you try to negotiate an hourly rate with your lawn care service provider?

  • Should you worry about effectively how much you’re paying them per hour?

  • And what is a fair hourly rate to pay for lawn mowing services?

After all. You don't want to come off like this person. Do you?

What Our Research Indicates About Landscaping Rates

GreenPal recently conducted a poll of over 10,000 lawn care service providers all over the country about how much they charge for weekly or bi-weekly lawn mowing services.

As it turns out.

78% of lawn care professionals we polled responded they charge at least $60 per man per hour. Or $1 a minute. 

Next. 12% responded they charge on average $50 per man per hour

Lastly, 10% responded they charge $40 per man per hour or less

But that’s just part of the story…

Rates Vary a Little by Location

Much of this depends on what part of the country you live in. 

For example, pricing for lawn maintenance services in warmer climates such as Florida or California are more competitive than they are as compares to cooler climates.

You might be wondering why this is? 

Well, think about it. The lawn care business is more stable in climates where the grass needs cutting year-round. Naturally, in an area where grass grows for shorter seasons, lawn care services have to figure out how to make ends meet, during the wintertime.

Put another way, lawn mowing services are treated more as a commodity in warmer climates.

And more as a luxury service in Northern climates.

So What is a Fair Rate?

No doubt about it, the consensus among the lawn care services who participated in our poll is that the average charge for professional lawn mowing services is around $1 per minute of grass cutting.

Put another way, let's say it takes your lawn mowing service 30 minutes to mow your yard by himself. You can figure the $30 per lawn mowing is a fair price to pay based on average market pricing.

Now… let's say he has a helper and there are 2 men on the lawn care team?

Well, then he needs to be in and out of your lawn in 15-20 mins for that $30 price. 

Make sense?

If you want to know the rates for spreading mulch check this out.

Can I Negotiate the Rate I Pay?

Now with all of that being said, should you try to negotiate an hourly rate with your lawn maintenance service provider?

Based on the feedback from our poll participants. When it comes to regular grass cutting services, a fixed agreed-upon price usually works out better.

Why is it you might ask? Well, because sometimes one lawn mowing might take a little longer than other grass cutting visits. Furthermore, the cost will vary on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and will no doubt become a total nightmare for all parties involved. 

This can become a source of arguments between you and your lawn maintenance service provider.

Agree on A Fixed Cost

In short, it’s best to agree on a fixed cost for a weekly or every two weeks mowing and use the results from our poll as a benchmark to know if you’re getting a fair lawn cutting price or sadly if you're getting ripped off.

Keep in mind: Lawn care rates will often double if the price is based on bi-weekly service rather than weekly. This is because it often takes much longer to cut the grass bi-monthly. 

What’s the real story? If you hire somebody to cut your grass at an hourly rate you can expect several arguments down the road and a source of contention that really just unnecessary for both of you.

A good rule of thumb is to figure 1 dollar per minute of grass cutting per man is a fair price to pay for quality lawn mowing services.

Simply stated.. use this rule of thumb as a guide to discern if you’re getting a good price from your grass cutting professional or if you’re getting ripped off.

The Rising Cost of Running A Lawn Care Business

Keep in mind it’s more expensive for lawn mowing services to do business these days and ever as labor costs are soaring, healthcare costs are increasing, Workers Comp insurances and other overhead is increasing. 

Why does this matter? Because any lawn mowing company you hire is going to need to recover these costs when they are mowing your yard.

Just take a look.

If the Rate Is Too Low, They Won't Stick Around

Look, if you get a price from somebody that is going to cut your yard for $20 and it takes them an hour to do it… 

In my experience, you shouldn't expect them to be around for very long because they most likely will not be able to cover their overhead while doing a good job on your lawn.

What is a Fair Rate at the End of The Day

According to our research, most lawn care professionals charge roughly $60 an hour, but others charge more than $85.

There are many factors that determine these rates including location, frequency of services, and the type of equipment the lawn care company has access to. 

In short, it's best to use our poll results to gauge what are you getting a good price on your lawn maintenance services or not. 

You can always check pricing in your area for free just by signing up for GreenPal to get five quick free grass cutting prices on your lawn.

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