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What are some property maintenance tips for winter?

  • by
  • Gene Caballero
  • January 26, 2022

It's true; winter can be a tough time of year. And you want to prepare accordingly. So you will want to check out the tips and recommendations in this infographic to ensure you are ready for winter weather. But first, be sure to hire a snow removal company before the storm! Are you ready? Let's dive into this list of property maintenance tips for the winter.

What supplies should I grab before the winter weather arrives?

Look, if you are looking to be prepared for winter weather, you want to grab some snow shovels, salt, and windshield wiper scrapers. Additionally, you want to be sure that you have plenty of antifreeze in your car's coolant tank. 

Why should I clean my gutters before winter?

Here's the deal, one of the most important times of the year to have clear gutters in winter. Why? It's simple if freezing weather arrives, your gutters will be less able to drain water as it melts. This can lead to heavy ice build-up in your gutters and may result in damage. Therefore, you want to clean your gutters to prevent them from freezing over. 

How can I seal my windows and doors to prevent drafts?

There are a few simple methods that you can use to seal your doors and windows. Most commonly, you can use weather stripping to fill significant gaps in doors and windows. You can also use caulking and window film. Window film may be tedious, but it can really help eliminate drafts. And doing so can save you up to 30% on your heating bill in the winter.

What other home maintenance tips should I do to prepare for winter?

Before freezing weather rolls in, you will want to; change the rotation direction of your ceiling fans, shut off outdoor spigots and drain garden hoses, seal the cracks in your foundation, and change the batteries in your smoke alarm to ensure it is working correctly!

These simple winter preparation tips can help ensure you enjoy the holidays in those colder months. Discount Property Investors made this infographic. Be sure to check out our blog for more excellent home maintenance and lawn care tips, and share this infographic with your friends and family so they can be ready for the winter weather. 

And before you forget, be sure to winterize your lawn care equipment too. 

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