Why is my dog eating grass? (The Real Reason)

Why is my dog eating grass? (The Real Reason)

Why is my dog eating grass? (The Real Reason)

If you are reading this article, you are probably wondering “why is my dog eating grass?”.

If that’s the case, then you are in the right place. 

In fact, the other day I went to the vet for this very reason. 

I will share that story in a second.

But, if you are wondering why your dog is eating grass, and if this habit is a problem, then keep reading! 

The Time I Went to The Vet Because My Dog Was Eating Grass

The other day, my youngest daughter asked the veterinarian if our dog had her eyes. She lovingly put their heads together and looked up at the vet, making sure not to blink. 

The doctor laughed and told me of all the common questions he gets in his day, this wasn’t one of them.

His reaction begged the question. “What do people always ask you?”

He said that:

“The biggest worries most pet owners have is about their pets eating poop and eating the grass.” 

I blushed. We were bringing Boone in for that exact reason!

A man operating a yellow riding lawn mower on a neatly trimmed lawn with a house and trees in the background.

I was about halfway done with the lawn when I looked behind me to see our dog going to town on a pile of grass. He looked like he was enjoying his salad, but a little while later he was puking it all out. Being the worried pet owner that I am, we took him to the vet to make sure he didn’t poison himself.

The vet assured me that he did not poison himself and that for the most part, grass by itself (no pesticides or toxic chemicals) is safe for dogs to eat. Safe pesticide application is one step to making your lawn safe for your dog.

Our dog just happened to eat a ton of it and his stomach couldn’t handle the intake.

But I had to ask, why do they even do it in the first place?

A colored map of the United States showing varying levels of groundwater contamination risk due to nitrogen input and aquifer vulnerability.Reasons Your Dog May Be Eating Grass

There are theories, but it turns out that there really isn’t a solid reason why our dogs eat grass. 

Some vets say that they eat it out of boredom, others that they are hungry, and still others say that they just like the taste.

1. Your Dog May Be Missing Nutrients

The main consensus though is that grass is not bad for dogs.

In fact, the fiber and nutrients in the average lawn grass can help with your dog’s digestion and health, as researched by Whole Dog Journal. As the study suggests, because dogs’ ancestors were accustomed to feeding on animals that were herbivores, they naturally got a good dose of nutrients from whatever their meal had eaten.

These days though, because most brands don’t pack their dog food with wild game meat, the average household dog misses out on some of these nutrients and seeks them out in grass.

Especially if you have your dog on the suggested two-meals-a-day plan, they might get hungry enough to try eating anything.

2. Dogs Like The Smell of Grass

Another common theory about your dog’s eating habits is that dogs like the smell of grass and think it will taste the same

We understand the intoxicating scent of a freshly mowed lawn, now imagine how that aroma smells to a dog! 

You really can’t blame a pup for at least trying to get a new taste in their mouths.

3. Your Dog May Be Sick

Take a 'Look'. if your dog is eating grass excessively, and that is out of character for them. Your dog may be sick.

If you are not sure whether or not your dog is healthy. Your best bet is to be safe and consider seeking veterinary assistance. 

A landscaper using a large yellow lawn vacuum on a residential street with autumn leaves scattered around.MYTH EXPOSED! Dogs DO NOT Eat Grass to Vomit

What vets mostly agree on, however is, that it’s not true that they do it specifically to make themselves vomit.

It’s pretty doubtful that dogs naturally know that eating grass will make themselves throw up. It’s more of an after effect than a dog culture remedy.

If Your Dog Eats Grass and Gets Sick

If your dog has a habit of eating your grass to the point of nausea though, most vets agree that changing up their usual brand of dog food for one that is packed with a complex formula

If your dog has all the nutrition it needs from what you’re feeding it, then it won’t search for something out that does have it.A screenshot from the City of Davenport's website advising on proper yard waste disposal to prevent fines and environmental contamination.

The Bottom Line on Dogs Eating Grass

Weeding through the flood of information on this subject, we can tell you pretty clearly that your dog will be OK with the occasional snacking

The only surefire way to know if grass is bad for your dog is if it is overeating and making him sick. Other than that, you are pretty safe with letting him chew on a few mouthfuls.

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