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Seasonal Care For a Lush Lawn All Year Round (Infographic)

  • by
  • Gene Caballero
  • June 16, 2020

This infographic shows you exactly how to “match your yard care plans to the season for a lively lawn year-round”. From spring to winter and back to spring again. This infographic shows you all you need to know about seasonal lawn care. 

What are the best lawn care practices for spring?

In the spring, it is a good idea to apply fertilizer in late May or early June. Spring is also the best time to get ahead of those pesky weeds that want to crawl into the lawn. Handling the weeds now. When there are very few of them, will help you keep your lawn in shape all year round. 

What are the best lawn care practices for summer?

In the summer months you want to be sure to water your lawn regularly! If you want a green lawn in the summer and there is not enough rain. Water your lawn 2 times a week in the early morning. Also be sure to cut the grass higher in the summer months to prevent burning. 

What are the best lawn care practices for fall?

In the fall there is a lot of preparation to get your lawn ready for winter. Most importantly you will want to aerate and fertilize. Also be sure to rake up your fall leaves!

What should I do with my leaves in the fall?

Although most people bag up leaves in the fall and completely remove them from their property. There are actually much better alternatives that can help you get more use from them. If you use a mulching kit on your lawn mower, you can simply mow the leaves into the lawn as they fall. You can also compost the leaves, or use them as a mulch in your garden beds.

What are the best lawn care practices for winter?

According to this infographic, most of your winter lawn care is done in fall.  In the winter months be sure to winterize your irrigation, and avoid walking on the lawn if it is covered in snow. 

How frequently should I aerate my lawn?

For the ideal lawn, you should aerate twice a year. Once in spring and again in late fall. 

This infographic was brought to you by J&I Power Equipment. If you found this infographic on seasonal lawn care helpful, be sure to share it with your friends and family on social media!

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