Mad that your neighbor's lawn is greener? Here's why!

Mad that your neighbor's lawn is greener? Here's why!

Mad that your neighbor's lawn is greener? Here's why!

Whether you live in Nashville, Atlanta, or Tampa, if you want a green lawn, you have to work hard for it. 

Have you ever taken a look over at your neighbor's lawn and wondered why their grass is so much greener than yours? 

If so, you are probably wondering how they do it. And why yours doesn’t look as good. 

Afterall you are both in the same climate, so your lawn should be just as green right?

Well, that is not always the case. Below you will find the most common reasons your neighbor's lawn may be greener than yours. 

As well as what you may be doing wrong, and what they are doing right.

Sound good? Then let's dive in! 

How to get your lawn greener than your neighboirs greenpal

What you Could be Doing Wrong

So, what are some of the things you may be doing wrong that cause your lawn to be brown? 

Well, there could be a number of reasons your neighbor's lawn is greener, but we have covered some of the more common ones below.

You can also check out this article to find everything you need to know about lawn mowing.

For now here are the 3 most common causes.

Grass burnt from cutting lawn too low

  1. Cutting Too Much Grass at Once

Look, cutting too much grass at once can be harmful to the health of the foliage. 

As a general rule, you never want to remove more than the top third of the grass blade. This will prevent the grass from burning when you cut it. 

Additionally, you can also burn your grass if you cut it when it’s wet, especially if you use a mulching kit. 

Testing your soil fro a greener lawn

  1. Failing to Care for Your Soil 

It’s true, some lawns seem to stay green naturally even without fertilizer. On the other hand, if your soil is depleted of nutrients, it really doesn’t matter how well you cut and water the lawn. 

Solution! Get your soil tested and apply the fertilizer your lawn requires. I recommend choosing an organic granular fertilizer

Dogs can ruin a lawn quickly

  1. Allowing Your Canine Have Free Reign of the Lawn

One of the most common causes of a brown lawn is dog urine. 

Here’s the deal, dog pee is high in nitrogen, which is good for your lawn in small amounts. But when a dog pees on the same spot over and over, the nitrogen accumulates and will eventually kill the lawn. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of great options to prevent dog pee from ruining your lawn. Additionally, there are also simple techniques you can use to reverse the damage caused by your dog too.

Check out this article to learn more about what to do when your dog is ruining your lawn

What They May be Doing Right 

Look, it’s not just about what you're doing wrong that causes your lawn to be less green than your neighbors. It’s also what they are doing right. 

So, let's take a look at the strategies your neighbor is likely using to get a greener lawn than you.

Also be sure to check out this ultimate lawn care guide to find even more tips about what you can do to make your lawn greener

Bag of grass clippings

  1. Grasscycling and Composting Leaves

Look, leaves are great food for the lawn, and so are the blades of grass you remove with your lawn mower each time you cut the lawn. 

By composting both and keeping them in the lawn, you can improve the quality of your soil, naturally! And best of all, at no cost to you! 

So, when the leaves fall this autumn, try using them in the lawn. Either by cutting them into the lawn with a mulching kit or bagging them and composting them. 

The same goes for your grass clippings too! Either mulch grass into the lawn, or bag them and compost. When they break down you can use them as a top dressing on the lawn. 

I could go on and on all day about the tremendous benefits of grasscycling and composting your fall leaves, but the best way for you to learn more would be for you to try it yourself

Watering your lawn weekly can help it stay greener

  1. Watering Weekly, Not Daily

Most people don’t know this but, watering too frequently is actually bad for the lawn.

It’s true, daily watering leads to grass with poor root structures. This can make the grass more susceptible to disease and drought. 

On the other hand, watering once or twice a week will yield grass that is much stronger, and resilient. 

Why Your Neighbor's Lawn Is Greener Than Yours

At the end of the day there are a few factors that may be contributing to the fact that your neighbor's lawn is greener than yours. 

You may be surprised how a simple adjustment can be the kick your lawn needs to shine. 

Of course…

You could always knock on your neighbor's door yourself and ask them about how they care for their lawn. They would probably be happy to tell you. You never know, you may just kindle a new friendship!

Or you could sign up for GreenPal and receive free lawn care bids from local lawn care providers

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