Here are Best Lawn Care Services in South Gate, CA as of Nov, 2023

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Pete's Lawn Service Lawn Services in South Gate, CA

Hired 72 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.5/5.105 Reviews)

You will come across many lawn care providers in South Gate CA, but none are quite as useful as Pete’s Lawn Service. To start, you won’t have to wait all that long for our lawn care professionals at Pete’s Lawn Service to come to your home on Tweedy Boulevard or elsewhere. That’s because Pete’s Lawn Service is located directly in South Gate CA and has direct access to any house in the city. We offer a range of affordable lawn care services and lawn mowing services. No contracts! 

We proudly offer convenient local lawn care services that all people in the city could benefit from using. Pete’s Lawn Service is located on Gardendale Street in South Gate CA. Our lawn care and lawn service team are not far from the Imperial Highway and Glenn Anderson Freeway, so you can rest assured someone from the team will come to your space when you get in touch.

The best part is that you can get our lawn care professionals to come to your home on demand. When you’ve got a significant lawn care concern that needs a specific lawn service solution, we are there. Are you having people coming to your house from outside the state and you need help making your lawn look attractive? Perhaps you haven’t gotten your lawn cut in a while or need lawn care services to fix some not-so-pleasant problems? Our lawn care experts will come over right away. The customer service staff at Pete’s Lawn Service is here for immediate help no matter what the issue may be or no matter what kind of lawn care services you're looking for. You can also contact Pete’s Lawn Service for regular bi-weekly or monthly lawn mowing services if you prefer.

The process we use for delivering amazing results involves deep horticulture knowledge and effective lawn care practices. We will help you even if you’ve got a small lawn on San Antonio Avenue or something larger on the side of Southern Avenue. Your yard will be checked based on the quality of the grass and what the right height for the lawn might be based on your property’s demands.

We work with many lawn care tools as well. Unlike many other lawn mowing or lawn care providers that only use massive riding mowers, we are available to help you with every type of mower. While a large riding mower can work on some of the most massive lawns in the city, we also use smaller electric mowers to keep your yard looking healthy without all those emissions. A manually-powered clipper mower may also work for some of the smallest or most sensitive spaces in your lawn.

We’ll trim and edge your lawn to your liking as well. Our lawn care and lawn service team can trim spots around any landscape, foundation, walkway, or other hard surface you have at your home. The thorough approach we use for mowing your lawn will be to your advantage.

You don’t have to hold the budget of a supermarket on Firestone Boulevard to afford our lawn mowing services and lawn care services either. Pete’s pricing is very sensible and works to your benefit every time.

Contact Pete’s Lawn Service for your lawn care needs today. You’ll discover that the lawn care solutions we offer will ensure you’ll have the best-looking lawn possible.

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Ernesto Delarosa Lawn Services in South Gate, CA

Hired 76 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.8/5.86 Reviews)

My name is Juan Ernesto Delarosa, but you can call me Ernesto if you prefer. You could also call me Juan or That Lawn Care Guy if you feel like it. But regardless of the name, I’ll provide you with a number of lawn mowing services and lawn care services. I provide lawn care work and lawn service treatment the right way the first time around.

My headquarters for my lawn care operation are in Cypress Avenue here in South Gate CA. I’m available to come to your home and do any lawn care job whether you’re on the Independence Avenue side of the city or the Ardmore Avenue side.

I have taken care of practically every kind of lawn and provided a range of lawn care services in the South Gate area over the years. I’ve provided lawn care services and lawn mowing services to lawns from the smaller ones around Missouri Avenue to the slightly larger spaces near Tweedy Boulevard. One thing I’ve noticed is that even the smallest greens can experience the same problems that the big ones can have. If anything, the issues at smaller lawns might be worse than what you’d come across at a larger space. It only takes a moment for a weed infestation to spread around an entire lawn or for a dry patch to cover everything.

That’s where my lawn care services here come in handy. I offer all the necessary services that your property in South Gate needs. I provide a basic lawn service and grass cutting service, but there’s much more to your lawn that needs to be done than just that.

You can talk with me about removing weeds from your grass before I start the lawn mowing effort. I’ll look at the weeds based on how dense they are and what it takes to remove them. My work goes well beyond just pulling out those weeds. Besides, pulling out weeds only makes the situation worse and is only a temporary issue. My goal is to kill off those weeds and keep them from returning in general.

My services include many other points like watering and aerating. I can also assist you in removing any unwanted pests from your lawn, including the anthills and other spots that might build up. My lawn care and lawn service treatment solutions are safe in your yard and will not put your spot at risk of harm.

You can contact me for taking care of your trees and shrubs as well. These trees can build up around spots like Southern Avenue and may be difficult for people to care for on their own. My work will involve trimming any of these growths to ensure they look even while not being likely to tilt over and fall apart. After all, the last thing you want is a tree or shrub crowded the surface of your home. Of course, I will clean up after each task is done.

You should only trust your lawn in South Gate CA to the best and most experienced professional who can help you keep your lawn looking appealing. Contact me, Ernesto Delarosa, for help the next time you need to get the lawn cut, or you require something a little more intense at your spot in South Gate.

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Angels Family Inc Lawn Services in South Gate, CA

Hired 30 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.2/5.140 Reviews)

You can trust the lawn care services and lawn mowing services we have to offer here at Angels Family Inc when it comes to your lawn in South Gate CA. We recognize that all homeowners in the South Gate CA area have specific needs for keeping their lawns attractive. What many homeowners don’t know is what it takes to make these lawns look more appealing.

Our lawn care and lawn service team at Angels Family Inc will help you with correcting all the problems relating to your lawn. The problem with trying to keep a lawn healthy is that the space might not be getting enough water. But this has more to do with finding water. Besides, it is hard enough to try and get water out of the Los Angeles River as it is.

Instead, many lawns around South Gate are bearing compacted soil spaces. It is hard for compacted spots to be watered due to the water not moving into the soil well enough.

But the good news is that we are available to help you with your lawn care demands by loosening up your soil and analyzing its pH content. We will treat your soil correctly and provide a full aeration plan for ensuring new seeds may be added to your space.

Our lawn care team is available to come out to homes all around South Gate. Do you have a small lawn on Iowa Avenue or Kansas Avenue or something a little larger on Missouri Avenue? We will help you with mowing your lawn and caring for the soil regardless of what state road your home is on.

Our lawn care services operate off of the same principles that many schools in the South Gate area utilize. Look at the fields at the Legacy High School complex, and you’ll notice how the public lawns around the school buildings are aerated throughout the year while cut every few weeks. Even the athletic fields at the campus are treated well with regular soil treatments. While lawns on Karmont or Dorothy might not be as large as what you’d find at one of these schools, we will assist you in caring for your lawn just as much as a high school might do the same.

You can also contact our lawn service team for your lawn maintenance needs even if you’ve got a low budget to work with. We will inspect your lawn and provide you with a free no-obligation estimate to see what you require in your space. Our team will help you figure out what services are necessary for your lawn. You won’t have to pay for services you didn’t ask for, and we will not charge you for anything until we’re finished, and you’re satisfied with the task at hand.

Angels Family Inc is here to help you with making the most out of your lawn and delivering quality lawn care services. Talk with us today to see how your South Gate CA lawn can be treated and supported with the right kind of lawn care work. We want to be your trusted lawn service provider that always provides great lawn care solutions you will appreciate.

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Lawn Care Direct Lawn Services in South Gate, CA

Hired 96 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.8/5.83 Reviews)

When was the last time you went over to South Gate Park? Maybe you took in around on the small golf course. Perhaps you brought your kids over to soccer practice at the soccer complex at the park. You might have also gone to the batting cages out here.

But one thing that you might have noticed at South Gate Park is how green the lawns look. Even after all those golf clubs have dug into the grass and those soccer cleats have run up and down the pitches, the area still looks green.

Naturally, you might assume you need to have a Beverly Hills budget to take care of a South Gate home lawn. But you don’t have to break your budget to try and get your lawn cared for. You can contact us at Lawn Care Direct to mow your lawn the right way without having to spend far too much money.

You’ll find that we at Lawn Care Direct can give you the lawn care support that you require without having to spend more money than what you can afford. Our team is available to provide you with the control you need for your lawn to keep it looking as green and beautiful as what you’d find at the park.

We are available to help people around different parts of the South Gate area with all of their distinct and necessary lawn care needs. You can talk with us about getting the lawn cut at your home in Rosewood or any other spot in the city. We will review how your lawn grows and find a plan for mowing based on what works best for a mowing pattern and how high or low the grass should be.

We will also water and aerate your lawn to ensure the grass grows well. Part of this includes applying the right type of grass seed to your space to guarantee your spot won’t wear out or experience far too much fatigue. We want to see that your lawn is cared for accordingly and that your place will look more attractive no matter what time of the year it may be.

We can help you with mowing and reviewing your lawn every two to four weeks as necessary. We’ll talk with you about what’s going on with your lawn and how that space needs to be covered based on when you need it cut. We can also let you know when we’ll be coming to your space, although you can ask us to arrive at a different time based on the needs you have. We are very flexible about when we can provide lawn care services or lawn mowing services.

See how we will help you out at Lawn Care Direct with giving your South Gate CA home the support it needs for looking its best. We are available for full no-obligation consultations to analyze the quality of your lawn and what you need out of your space. Talk with us today for help with making the most out of your spot.

Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:

(based on 742,477 reviews)
Michael Crane yard mowing in South Gate CA
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My Rosewood Avenue home had been dealing with some huge problems with dead grass patches all around the place. Those patches were bothering me, especially since the shrubs around my lawn were looking great. But Pete’s Lawn Service found that my soil in those spots was compacted. They helped me with loosening up the soil and clearing out the debris around the area. They were very thorough and precise in taking care of my lawn the right way. The team especially did well with correcting the problems around my space. Today my Rosewood lawn is the greenest on the street thanks to their lawn care services.

Emily Tracy grass cutting in South Gate CA
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Ernesto Delarosa came to my home on Garden View Avenue and was thorough in everything he was doing. He helped me with trimming my bushes and trees and also edged and cut the grass around my mailbox, my driveway, and some of the other spots where the grass was growing over. The lawn mowing service was also very useful for how it kept my lawn looking healthy without risking weeds. The tree service he provided was also helpful for ensuring the solar panels on my roof can get the sun rays they require without a tree stuck in the way.

Brian Lopes grass cutting in South Gate CA
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I recently installed new turf on my home on Walnut Avenue, but I was worried that my lawn wasn’t responding well to it. I noticed several new weeds around my walkway not long after I got my landscape up and running. Angels Family Inc helped me with identifying the problems surrounding my lawn and discovered that my yard had become increasingly compacted after I got the landscape installed. The team assisted me with loosening up the soil and with mowing grass not long after that. They helped me safely clear out those weeds without hurting my new plants too.

Michael Williams yard cutting in South Gate CA
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My home on Santa Ana Street has a sidewalk moving in the middle. The spot nearest my house has struggled to look great when compared with the grass near the street. But Lawn Care Direct has helped me to fix up my lawn and keep it from wearing out or looking unappealing. The team at Lawn Care Direct has helped me to improve upon my lawn by aerating it throughout the year and with treating compacted spaces. Their analytical efforts do well without tearing up my lawn. The team always lets me know when they’re coming even when I’m at work.