Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Roseville, MN as of Nov, 2023


AA Property Services Lawn Services in Roseville, MN

Hired 158 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.3/5.123 Reviews)

Many people around Roseville have jobs in Saint Paul or Minneapolis that they have to tend to every day. These include people who have to spend a bit of time traveling to and from those cities. It is often hard for them to have the time to care for their yards. Their minds are already preoccupied with other things relating to their jobs or studies.

Perhaps you’ve got plenty of business going on in one of those nearby cities. You might not think all that much about your lawn mowing needs until you get home one day and notice that your grass is growing rather high. The good news is that our experts at AA Property Services can help you with your yard while you’re out at work or school.

Are you trying to take care of your regular work duties during the day? You can ask us at AA Property Services to arrive at your home while you are away. We will take resolve all the lawn mowing and landscape maintenance needs you have at your home.

You can ask us to work on every part of your yard. You might have a significant landscape at your home in the Victoria Street area. Maybe you have a few trees around your home in Villa Park. We’re available to help you with all the distinct services that you need to hire.

You can ask us to arrive at a time of your choosing. We’ll cover all the lawn maintenance services that you ask us to complete. We will do everything from getting the lawn cut to removing weeds and power washing your driveway. Our thorough approach to work will ensure your yard looks clean and brilliant every time you come home. Most importantly, we will ensure there are no loose clippings or any grass stains left around your driveway.

We can let you know when we arrive at your property. We’ll also tell you when we finish if you are still out then. Our team will ensure we cover all the corners of your yard within the timeframe you ask us to work.

Our company serves homes around all parts of Roseville, including some of the fancier ones around the Midland Hills area. We can cover even the most massive lawns in the city. Our goal is to ensure every part of your yard looks its best before we finish and head out. The most significant part is that we won’t waste your time in having you wait for anything.

Our efforts at AA Property Services are all about ensuring you receive the support you need for your yard the first time around. You can ask us to arrive at your property to complete a free estimate of your yard. We want to see what we can do for your yard, so you’ll have the proper lawn care support you deserve, even if you are not available to be there while we help.


Try-Cut Lawn Services in Roseville, MN

Hired 82 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.8/5.251 Reviews)

One of the most significant problems you might have surrounding your lawn mowing efforts is that you’re not doing everything the right way. You might mow your grass too short, for instance. You could also use a dull blade on your mower. Maybe you might not clean out your mower as often as you should.

Whatever the issue is, many problems can make it harder for you to care for your yard well enough. The good news is that our experts at Try-Cut can take care of all your grass cutting needs for you. We have the best lawn mowing professionals in Roseville who can assist you with whatever you demand out of your yard.

We’ve been helping people in the Roseville area and other parts of the Twin Cities region with their lawns for years. Our yard maintenance crews have experience with cutting the vast yards around Central Park. We can also work on the compact turf beds in the Midland Hills neighborhood. We pride ourselves in providing a thorough approach to lawn care that you will appreciate.

We will help you with all the grass cutting needs you have at your Roseville property. We work with the best mowing equipment in the industry. We’ll also clean off our mowers and blades before we start working, thus ensuring you’ll receive the best possible cut. Our experts can also identify how high the grass should be cut. The measurement ensures you won’t get the grass cut too short to where it could produce weeds.

Our team can also figure out the proper height for cutting based on how high the grass is right now. While there are rules for how tall your turf can be, you cannot remove too much at once. The undue stress may weaken the grass. We can go over your yard twice if necessary. A two-pass mowing service is ideal for renovation tasks or for cases where you haven’t gotten the lawn cut for a while.

Our yard maintenance work ensures your grass will be correctly cut the first time around. You won’t have to bear with the intense stress surrounding trying to cut all that grass around your yard. We believe that you need a full approach to get more out of your yard, whether you’re in Sandcastle or Hamline or elsewhere.

The best part is that we provide affordable rates for all the services we provide. We will let you know in advance what you’ll spend on your lawn care service. We work our hardest to ensure your yard gets the help it needs without risking the quality of your yard.

We’re not here to judge you about what is suitable for your lawn in Roseville. We at Try-Cut want to find a solution for mowing that you can appreciate. You can ask us at Try-Cut to check on your yard today and to get a free estimate for services. You will find that our lawn mowing services are among the best you can hire in the Roseville area.


Year Round Landscape Lawn Services in Roseville, MN

Hired 148 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.7/5.38 Reviews)

Your yard maintenance plans shouldn’t end when the winter season comes along. There are plenty of things that you need to do for your yard when the grass becomes dormant. You’ll need to ensure the leaves, branches, and other things that could litter your yard are cleaned off well. You must also get the snow cleared out of your trees and other landscape features.

Our experts at Year Round Landscape can help you with all these lawn maintenance tasks during the winter season. Our team is here all year round, as the name of the business suggests.

We provide services for homes and businesses alike. We will arrive to help with raking your lawn, brushing the snow off of your trees or roof, and clearing your driveway.

We can also apply a safe de-icing material if you have a commercial parking lot. Whether it’s a large shopping space on County Road B2 or a small storefront near Rice Street, we can help you with your business site.

Our team at Year Round Landscape will also be there for you during the warmer times of the year. We can help you with all your lawn mowing needs, including cutting around any landscapes or other features you have around your property. Our team can also clean the leaves and branches out of your garden bed or hardscape.

The work we provide ensures that your yard will receive the help it deserves every time. But the best part is that you’ll save more than enough time when you ask us for help, not to mention you’ll hire someone who does things right. The problem with trying to care for your yard is that you might not know what’s best. You might try to clear out the snow from your bushes, but you could end up breaking all their branches and other features. You might also try to get the lawn cut on your own, but you’d end up cutting it too low.

Our experts will care for all the things your yard needs without making things worse. The last thing you need to bear with is a lawn mowing or landscape maintenance task that you might not fully understand how to support.

We provide the same rates for services everywhere in Roseville. You can enjoy the same rates, whether you have a vacation home on Lake Owasso or a smaller property near the Rose Mall area. We can talk to you about what it would cost for your yard care needs before we start.

The work we provide at Year Round Landscape will give you the assistance you need every time we arrive. You can ask us at Year Round Landscape to help you with everything you have at your home or business site. We are available during every season of the year, so ask us to arrive at your home today to complete a full review of your yard.


Howard Lawn Care LLC Lawn Services in Roseville, MN

Hired 40 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.5/5.195 Reviews)

What have you been doing for your yard in Roseville lately? You might not be aware of it, but many things might make it harder for you to keep your yard looking as brilliant as it should. You might find that your yard isn’t growing as fast as it should. That could be due to compaction.

Maybe there are some pests under your turf bed that make it harder for the grass to grow. These include grubs and fire ants, among others. Whatever the case may be, various hidden threats might weaken your grass and create stress.

The good news is that our experts at Howard Lawn Care can assist you in finding out what’s happening with your yard. We will check on how well the grass around your yard is growing and find out if there are any growth issues.

We know that your yard has many unique needs that must work. You might have a home in the Reservoir Woods area that could flood due when the local lake overflows. Our experts at Howard Lawn Care can aerate your yard and check on all your drainage features. Our work ensures that your turf bed won’t flood, not to mention it will be easier to water it when necessary.

We can also work on lawns around Langton Lake and other sites where the trees are plentiful. We can check on how well your grass is growing in such areas. We know that your grass can take in the shade from all those trees. Our professionals will figure out the right lawn mowing plan that your yard can utilize based on how high the grass has to be.

You’ll never have to worry about whether or not your yard will look as unique as everything else in your local neighborhood. You can ask us at Howard Lawn Care to assist you with all the special yard maintenance needs you have.

You won’t have to spend as much money on your yard as you might assume. We will let you know what you would spend on our services before we start. We can let you know what it would cost based on the size of your yard, how often you need help, and how extensive your requirements for care may become. We can adjust all our work efforts based on whatever you prefer to utilize when you hire us for help.

Our professionals at Howard Lawn Care will help you with all the unique yard maintenance needs you might have. You can ask us at Howard Lawn Care to learn about everything we have to offer for your home. We provide a convenient approach for work that fits all the special needs you might hold at your property. You might be surprised over the many things that we can do to give your yard the help it deserves.

Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:

(based on 742,477 reviews)
Mary Duval lawn maintenance in Roseville MN
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The people at AA Property Services understand what I need out of my yard whenever they show up to help me every two weeks with my lawn mowing needs. They are very kind and respectful, not to mention they always clean up every time they finish the work. I never have to worry about them littering my yard and creating lots of waste all around the place. They are also very prompt in mowing my lawn in the Midland Hills neighborhood, as they always know how high the grass has to be before they start. They avoid going too deep when they work.

Kristin Rivers grass cut in Roseville MN
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The team at Try-Cut helped me in mowing my lawn near Lake Josephine recently. I hadn’t been able to get my grass cut in nearly two months due to some issues with my mower. The people at Try-Cut never judged me over the concern. They instead took care of all the grass cutting work for me. They went over the lawn a few times, but it was all about making sure the grass was cut evenly. They made sure the turf wouldn’t tear up, not to mention the cutting pattern looks relatively appealing. The work they provided is something that I appreciate.

Irene Chamberlain lawn care service in Roseville MN
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I haven’t found any other lawn care providers in Roseville that are as talented as the people at Year Round Landscape. The experts here respect all the great things that I need out of my yard in the Midland Hills neighborhood. They are very thorough in all that they do, not to mention they are clean. I also like how they arrive at my home for their weekly lawn mowing service at the time they say they will appear. The only instance where they change the time is if there’s rain, and they always let me know about it well before then.

Ed Sledge grass cut in Roseville MN
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All the people at Howard Lawn Care have been very supportive of my yard ever since I first hired them a year ago. I contacted them for seasonal care for my yard, including regular aeration and seeding services. They have also helped me with treating weeds and other growths around my yard in the Fairview Southwest neighborhood. The people here understand all the things that my yard needs when they arrive. They’ve made sure that my yard stays green, not to mention the areas where they find weeds always receive help without killing off the healthy grass all around.