Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Golden Valley, MN as of Nov, 2023

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True Lawn Cutters Lawn Services in Golden Valley, MN

Hired 82 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.7/5.39 Reviews)

Are you trying to work on a significant overhaul of your lawn in Golden Valley? You might have noticed by now how difficult it can be for you to care for your yard. You might have struggled with planting new grass seeds. Maybe you’re having a hard time trimming your bushes. It can also be tough for you to try and clear off all the stuff from your yard after you finish, what with everything weighing so much.

It’s a hassle to care for your lawn by yourself here in Golden Valley. The worst part is that you might not be aware of what your yard needs. You could end up getting everything wrong while you work.

The good news is that you can ask us at True Lawn Cutters to care for everything surrounding your yard. We can work on all your lawn maintenance and renovation needs. We can serve homes around every part of Golden Valley from Willard-Hay to Duluth Street. We will accept any challenge that you might experience when you’re looking for help for your yard.

We provide a thorough array of services here at True Lawn Cutters. We can help you with your lawn mowing work, as the name of our business shows. We’ll get the lawn cut based on the grass type you have and how well the turf bed grows. Our work ensures that your grass will look beautiful while ensuring it won’t be cut too low.

We can help you with adding new grass to your yard as necessary. We will aerate and seed your lawn during the spring season. We can also review how well the soil drains at your property.

Our landscape maintenance service is ideal for all your renovation requirements. We will trim your shrubs, mulch around your trees, and work with all your hardscapes. We can also install a new rock bed around your house.

Our junk removal service will ensure your yard remains clean after we finish the renovation work. We’ll remove all the old branches, leaves, weeds, and whatever else we clear off your property. These items can be far too heavy to clear on your own. We’ll clean off all of these things and whatever else you have on your property.

Our services at True Lawn Cutters are perfect for homeowners throughout Golden Valley, but we can also work on commercial properties. Business sites in Shelard Park and other areas can benefit from having their properties refreshed and restored. We’ll check on the quality of your landscape and yard and find a way to make everything look like new.

You’ll never have to worry about what you’re getting out of your home renovation task when you ask us at True Lawn Cutters to help. We are proud to provide quality services to homeowners around all corners of the Golden Valley area. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you with whatever your yard needs.

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Mow It Forward Lawn Services in Golden Valley, MN

Hired 110 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.8/5.193 Reviews)

If you have been around the General Mills headquarters in Golden Valley, you might have noticed that the property has some of the most beautiful lawns and landscapes in the area. Much of this is thanks to General Mills having enough money to afford a dedicated lawn maintenance team that can care for all the things the property needs.

The General Mills headquarters looks beautiful because the company wants its employees and guests to feel at home. Perhaps you might have been inspired by the facility to make your property look beautiful as well. But you more than likely don’t have as much money as General Mills does when it comes to hiring a landscape maintenance company in Golden Valley. The good news is that you don’t need that much money to care for your yard. You can ask us at Mow It Forward to help with all the outstanding lawn mowing needs you have.

You can ask us at Mow It Forward to support your yard regardless of where you are in the Golden Valley area. We can work on homes in Winnetka Hills or other neighborhoods in the area. You can also contact us if you’re near the General Mills facility in the western end of the city. Homes in the Western Avenue or Bassett Creek areas deserve to look as brilliant as the big headquarters a few blocks away.

Our efforts at Mow It Forward concentrate on everything your yard requires. We will get the lawn cut and also take care of your landscape maintenance needs. We can trim your bushes and trees, not to mention we can remove weeds. We avoid using chemicals in our work, as we know those can do more to harm your yard than what you might expect. We’ll also clean up your yard after we finish the task at hand.

You can ask us to help you with seeding your yard. We can aerate and seed your yard in the spring season to give your yard a new look it deserves for the summer season.

Our work is about giving your home or business a brilliant look that it deserves. You may not have as much money as a big-name corporation does, but that’s not a concern for us at Mow It Forward. We believe that everyone in Golden Valley deserves the opportunity to hire a quality lawn maintenance service.

Our experts will charge you based on the services you hire. We can talk with you beforehand about what you might spend on services and how you can benefit from what we offer. We’ll ensure that you only spend money on what is right for your needs. Even those in Golden Valley who are on a tight budget can afford the services we provide at Mow It Forward.

The thorough effort we will provide at Mow It Forward is dedicated to giving your yard the help and support it deserves. You can ask us to come to your property in Golden Valley and complete a full estimate for services.

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G2 Snow Removal Lawn Services in Golden Valley, MN

Hired 168 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.5/5.63 Reviews)

The weather in Golden Valley can be unpredictable. Sometimes the winter season might start early, or it lasts longer than you expect. The heat during the summer season can also become more dramatic than you anticipate.

The great news is that we at G2 Snow Removal are here to help you with whatever problems you have at your yard in Golden Valley. We are open to your needs during every season.

As the name of our business suggests, we are available during the winter for all your snow removal needs. Our team at G2 Snow Removal can help you with removing snow from your driveway and sidewalk. We can also brush the snow off of your landscape features and trees. We’ll clean the snow off before it can add more undue weight.

Our experts can also brush the snow off of your roof. We use safe materials that will safely clear snow off without damaging your roof or its tiles. Our snow removal effort is critical, as excess snow on your roof can cause fatigue that may shorten the covering’s lifespan. The added cold from the snow can also make your home colder than expected, thus making you spend more on your heating bills.

We will also help you with your yard during the summer and spring seasons. We provide a comprehensive lawn mowing service, not to mention we can aerate and seed your yard. You can ask us to help you with your weeds if you have any as well. We can care for broadleaf and flower-based growths alike. We know that homes in Lee Park and other neighborhoods around Golden Valley need extra help with keeping their yards looking clean and crisp. Our team at G2 Snow Removal will ensure your yard stays looking its best.

Our fall service includes various preparatory services to help you with removing weeds and with cleaning up the leaves and branches from your yard. Our mowing efforts will also focus on trimming your grass a little lower to the best height before the winter arrives. Our work will cover every part of your yard without risking anything being torn up in the effort.

We respect all the needs that you have for your yard here in Golden Valley. We can help you if you have a home in Briarwood with lots of trees all around or a house with a wider lawn in the Greenbelt area. We also provide services for commercial properties in Golden Valley. Our careful work is all about restoring your yard and keeping everything healthy.

You can ask us at G2 Snow Removal to assist you with all the outstanding snow removal and lawn maintenance needs you have in Golden Valley. We are available throughout the year to assist you with whatever concerns you have surrounding your property. Contact us today to learn more about the services we have to offer and how we can support you.

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Stonehenge Landscape Lawn Services in Golden Valley, MN

Hired 195 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.9/5.68 Reviews)

Lawn mowing isn’t as simple as you might assume it could be. You’ll have to mow to the correct height, not to mention you can’t cut the grass too deep. You have to watch for the pattern you use when mowing as well. The good news is that we at Stonehenge Landscape can help you with mowing your lawn without risking any troubles. We’ll go over your yard and ensure we trim every square inch of space the right way.

Our convenient service at Stonehenge Landscape covers everything your yard needs. We’ll mow your lawn and trim the grass around your landscape, foundation, and other difficult to reach places. We can also aerate your yard and add a lime treatment as necessary. Our services are all about covering the unique needs your yard has.

Our landscape maintenance service is essential for your needs. Our team can review every part of your yard to identify what is suitable for your property. We can check on your garden bed to see what needs to be cleaned out. We can remove leaves, weeds, and other things from your garden. The work we provide will clear out the unwanted items around your landscape, not to mention we won’t tear up your plants or flowers or whatever else you are growing.

You can trust us with your yard regardless of where in Golden Valley you are. Homes around Plymouth Avenue have dense landscapes that require extra support. We’re more than ready to help you with all the things you need out of your property here.

Perhaps you have a home in Wildwood Park with lots of trees. We’re able to clean up all the leaves, branches, and other things that your trees leave behind. You can also ask us to check on any weeds that are growing at your property. You may have an increased risk of weeds if you have lots of trees all around, but we’re willing to help you with resolving all of those growths.

The comprehensive approach we provide for lawn care in Golden Valley is unlike anything else you’ll find in the city. Our experts at Stonehenge Landscape will check on every part of your yard and identify a solution that fits your needs.

We work with safety in mind when it comes to your yard. Our service works without the use of dangerous chemicals. While many lawn care providers in Golden Valley might consider using chemicals for the treatment of weeds and other growths, those compounds may be more hazardous than people assume.

We also hire only the most talented and experienced lawn maintenance professionals in the city. We work to ensure your yard receives the help it needs every time.

Our team at Stonehenge Landscape will assist you with all the unique lawn maintenance requirements you have in Golden Valley. You can ask us to arrive at your property for a full inspection and estimate today. We would love to give you an idea of what we can do for your property today.

Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:

(based on 742,477 reviews)
David Ortiz lawn mowing in Golden Valley MN
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Everyone at True Lawn Cutters did an excellent job with trimming my landscape at my home in Wildwood Park. I’ve been trying to repaint my house, but I needed help with getting my landscape cleaned up before I could start. The people at True Lawn Cutters trimmed everything to the right size, not to mention they kept all the bushes looking the same. My favorite part of their work is that they cleaned up everything after they got my yard ready. My bushes won’t crowd around my house or windows, and now it’s easier for me to finish my painting work.

Kate Morgan grass cutting in Golden Valley MN
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Mow It Forward has made a real difference for my yard in Bassett Creek. I have tried so hard to get my yard to grow without sprouting weeds, but I could never get it to work well. But the people at Mow It Forward have been more than capable of helping me with restoring my yard and giving it a brilliant style. The best part of their work is that they understand what my yard needs every time they arrive. They can mow my lawn, trim the grass near my landscape, trim my bushes, and everything else that I need for help.

Cynthia Bernard grass cutting in Golden Valley MN
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I have a hard time trying to remove the snow from my property in Gearty Park on my own. My doctor tells me to avoid overly stressful activities ever since my last surgery. That’s why I have G2 Snow Removal to help me with removing snow in the winter and with mowing my grass in the summer. The team takes care of all the tough work for me. The best part is that their work is much more thorough than what I used to do by myself. They don’t charge me lots of money either, which is a change of pace for me.

Victoria Callen lawn service in Golden Valley MN
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Stonehenge Landscape cares about my yard and ensures that everything looks beautiful and clean every time they work. Their services for my home in Hampshire Park cover all the needs I have, not to mention they are very careful. They don’t rush the job, as they know that doing so could cause harm to my yard. My grass bed still looks beautiful, not to mention everything still looks green like it did when I moved in years ago. I am grateful that everyone at Stonehenge is capable of restoring my yard and giving it the help it needs.