Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Carson, CA as of Nov, 2023


Fernando's Landcare Lawn Services in Carson, CA

Hired 99 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.3/5.175 Reviews)

Not many people like to mow their lawn. But what’s worse is having to spend too much money getting someone else to do your lawn care work. At Fernando’s Landcare, we make this whole thing easier and less expensive. Our specialized lawn care professionals deliver industry-leading lawn care services while we charge you next to nothing. Get a range of lawn mowing services and lawn care services in Carson CA. 

Our lawn care business recognizes that people around Carson might want to spend their money on other things. Maybe you might want to spend a day at the SouthBay Pavilion Ikea. Perhaps you need to save money so you can afford the exorbitant cost of gasoline in the city. Our lawn care services are one of the most affordable in the entire region. Based on analytics and local data, we charge one of the lowest rates near you. 

So, you can get quality lawn care services without overpaying. Plus, you won't sign any contracts. You'll get lawn care services and lawn mowing services for as long or as little as you'd like. Get quality lawn care services that work for you without overcommitting or being locked into a contract that other lawn service providers like to force on you.

Our lawn care services are available to help you with your lawn care and lawn service needs while also keeping you from spending more money on lawn care services than you can afford. Our lawn mowing service is available for people through Carson CA to utilize. Maybe you’ve got a home in Lincoln Village that needs help. 

Perhaps you have a home in Avalon Village that needs an extra bit of help. Whatever the case might be, you can talk with us for help with getting your lawn covered right. We want to give you the support you demand no matter what your yard might be like. Our lawn care services and lawn mowing services will help your lawn look as fresh as what you’d see at Scott Park. We offer regular lawn service solutions, but our lawn service solutions go well beyond that. You can also talk with us at Fernando’s Landcare for help with taking care of your weed control needs and for trimming any bushes, trees, or other spots that need landscape maintenance support. 

We will clean up after every lawn care process we complete at your property. What happens after we are done with trimming your trees? We’ll clean out the leaves, branches, and other things on your lawn. What about after we mow your lawn? We will clear out the old grass clippings from your property and even provide them to you if you need them for any particular task you require later on. Our lawn mowing services and lawn care services are flexible and can work based on your demands. 

Let us know the particular lawn service you require from us. We’ll find a solution that fits your space while also fitting within your budget. Our lawn care service is planned out with full transparency in mind. We will always let you know about what we are doing while reminding you about any fees involved. You won’t have to pay for anything until you agree to our plans and we take care of the lawn care service for you. 

You don’t need to worry about the charges you’re coming across when you talk with us for help. See how our lawn care and lawn service team at Fernando’s Landcare can help you out. We want to give your space in Carson CA the help it deserves without you having to waste your time trying to take care of the lawn on your own. Besides, wouldn’t you rather have a lawn care professional take care of your lawn for you while you’re out practicing your golf or tennis shot?


Venegas and Sons Lawn Services in Carson, CA

Hired 32 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.8/5.45 Reviews)

Our lawn care company has been impressed by how well the athletic complex up north looks so beautiful even after all that physical activity. The grass turf at the soccer stadium looks immaculate, and that place has also gone through lots of rough wear and tear from some gridiron football games in recent time. 

Our lawn care business knows that not every home in Carson, California can look as beautiful as the soccer stadium or any of the other athletic fields around the CSUDH campus. But it is our goal to ensure that each lawn care client can get the support one needs for keeping one’s home looking attractive. We want every lawn that we take care of to look green, free of weeds, and capable of taking in water without flooding. Our lawn care professionals are available to come out to every property in the Carson area. 

We can provide lawn care services and lawn mowing services to properties around Star of India Lane or 220th Street among other places. We can serve home lawns as well as shared lawns around 220th Street. If you’ve got a commercial lawn around Avalon Boulevard or another of the popular thoroughfares in the city, we can provide still provide the lawn service work you need. Our lawn care services include more than lawn mowing. 

You can also ask about our lawn services like weed removal support or lawn service maintenance practices like cleaning up bushes and trees. You can’t get the trees and shrubs in your yard to look uniform like what you’d see at the Bonita Street Elementary School, but you can get there when you talk with professionals like us for assistance. 

The strict attention to detail that we focus on is necessary to notice. We know that every lawn is different based on how it drains, the pH level of the soil, the type of grass that is growing, the amount of sunlight that spot is getting, and so forth. 

No lawn service job is too complicated for us to handle here at Venegas and Sons. We primarily work with dead grass spots to help you keep them looking fresh. Do you have a dog that used your lawn to take care of its…well, you know. We can review the condition surrounding that spot and then find a solution for fixing the space. 

Whether it entails seeding the lawn, aerating the space, or providing added water, our lawn care business will figure out a strategy for getting even the worst spots on your lawn to start growing once again. You can schedule any kind of lawn service or lawn care work at any time of day as well. Our lawn care company is available to go to your spot even if you are out at work or school. 

Our lawn care and lawn service team can clean up before you are finished with your work or study day and you get home. Here at Venegas and Sons, our lawn care team will help you with keeping your lawn in Carson looking outstanding. We want to provide you with an exceptional lawn service solution for keeping your lawn looking appealing and like what you would see at an athletic field in the city.


J&J Gardening and Landscape Lawn Services in Carson, CA

Hired 120 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.2/5.225 Reviews)

Everyone in Carson has various things on their minds. Some people in the city have to reach their flights at LAX. Others are thinking about their studies at UCLA. Some people are too preoccupied with their weekend plans along the Rolling Hills. 

Our lawn care team at J&J Gardening and Landscape wants to ensure that people around the city don’t have to think far too much about their lawn care chores. After all, the things that people are thinking about already are important enough as they are. 

The lawn care process can be complicated on its own. You might not be aware of all the steps that come with making your lawn look beautiful. You might not think about the need to trim your bushes, efforts for removing weeds, and other complex points that go into the landscape maintenance process. You deserve a team in Carson CA who understands every step in the process and will give you the help you need every time. 

That’s where our lawn care services come in handy. We care about producing attractive lawns like what you’d see in the Del Amo Park area. You might have noticed how green the lawns in that part of Carson are. While we have taken care of many yards in that area, we know that not every part of Carson can be blessed with such nice spots. 

The good news is that we will provide you with a thorough process for figuring out what can be done for keeping your lawn looking fresh and new. We provide people around Carson with several helpful yard maintenance services. 

We can help with mowing grass around any lawn in Carson, including some of the smallest commercial lawns around. We take every green seriously, even if it’s the lawn outside a Pizza Hut or some other commonplace roadside sight. We also offer landscape maintenance solutions like tree and bush trimming and weed removal. We work for all properties from commercial sites around Dominguez Street to fancy lawns on Avalon Boulevard. 

Your yard and trees should look as attractive as the holes at the Victoria Golf Course. We will give you the help you demand even if you don’t have the budget that a high-end golf course has. You can schedule an appointment with us to see how we can help you with your lawn care needs. We can talk to you about the specific things that you want from us. You’ll only have to pay for the services that you need. 

Of course, we will only provide you with those services if you ask us to take care of them for you. We want to ensure that you’ve got full control over how your lawn is to be cared for and what we can do for you. 

Contact us today to come to your Carson lawn so we can take care of all the yard maintenance services that you might not have thought about all that much. We’ll give you the help you need for ensuring that your lawn is treated accordingly and with enough care.


Pete's Landscaping Lawn Services in Carson, CA

Hired 79 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.7/5.242 Reviews)

There are many reasons why people need to get their lawn cut. Some people in Carson CA might need to get their lawns cut to make them look beautiful. Others need to get them ready for open houses so their homes can be more marketable. There are also people who might need help with getting their lawns ready for social events or for when they’re hosting special people like family members from out of town. 

We know here at Pete’s Landscaping that some people might have very urgent needs for lawn mowing services. The good news is that our team is available to help every homeowner in Carson CA with their grass cutting demands. We can even come out as soon as you need help. You can contact us and let us know where you are. 

After that, we’ll plan a time to get to your space while ensuring that we can get out to your spot as soon as we can. We know that you’ve got plenty of urgent needs on occasion, but we are well-equipped to help you with those services. We can also come out to your space no matter where in Carson you are located. 

Do you have a home in Dolphin Park that’s a little far removed from some of the highways in the area? Do you have a big property not far from the Watson Junction region? Maybe you’ve got a home right next to the Victoria Golf Course. Whatever the case might be, we will get to your spot on the double after you contact us. 

Our lawn care and lawn service crew members will help you with your lawn mowing and lawn care needs. Plus, there’s more to our lawn care services than just general lawn mowing services. You can also talk with us about removing weeds from your home, trimming bushes, edging spots around your foundation and walkways, and anything else you need for getting your space to look beautiful right now. 

What if you’ve got a long-term plan in mind for your lawn? You can check with us at Pete’s Landscaping to see what we can do for your space. We will help you with everything surrounding your lawn care needs, including aerating your lawn and clearing out weeds, thatch, leaves, and anything else that might get in the way of a perfect green lawn. 

We can also analyze your drainage situation and figure out an irrigation effort that goes well with the lawn maintenance plans we figure out. 

The comprehensive lawn service approach that we put into every lawn we take care of is leaps and bounds above what you’ll find elsewhere in Carson. You don’t have to hold the budget of someone who can afford to attend classes at UCLA to afford our services either. 

We will give you a plan that fits your budget so you can focus on whatever else it is you want to do with your property. Don’t delay when you’re looking for lawn mowing providers who can help you on short notice. Talk with us at Pete’s Landscaping for help with your lawn care demands today. Don’t forget to see how we can help you with long-term lawn care services.

Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:

(based on 742,477 reviews)
Jason Findley lawn service in Carson CA
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I asked Fernando’s for help with trimming my landscape on Leapwood Avenue. I asked them to help me with making my landscape look as attractive as the one at the nearby elementary school. Their lawn service helped me with keeping my bushes looking beautiful and even assisted in evening out my trees. The team also cleaned everything off after they were finished. I also asked about their lawn mowing service, and they helped me with mowing it the right way. I found that my lawn was greener than ever before thanks to how they mow it at an appropriate height that I was never aware of.

Arturo Diaz yard mowing in Carson CA
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It takes a while for me to drive from my home on Dolores Street to Redondo Beach for my job. Venegas and Sons always help me with my lawn care needs so I can ensure that my space is cared for before I get home. The team is very effective and clean. I’ve also noticed that they have helped me with clearing out weeds around my landscape. I used to think that pulling them out was the best thing to do, but it turns out that their technical approach is a much easier process than what I could have ever expected.

David Dietrich yard mowing in Carson CA
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I like to spend some time practicing my golf shot at the Virginia Country Club every few weeks, so I always ensure I contact J&J for help with getting the lawn cut at my home on Harbor View Avenue when I get out to the range. I’ve seen the team’s van come by my property on Carson Street a few times here and there en route to the course. The team always cuts at the right height and gathers the clippings up for me and places them by the curb so I can use them later. The team cares for my lawn the right way every time.

Taylor Reid lawn mowing service in Carson CA
local-lawn-care-services-in-Carson-CA local-lawn-maintenance-contractors-in-Carson-CA residential-lawn-cutting-businesses-in-Carson-CA affordable-lawn-services-in-Carson-CA grass-cutting-businesses-in-Carson-CA

I kept on getting dandelions around my lawn near Carson Park, so I contacted Pete’s Landscaping to figure out what can be done. They found that my yard was impacted and that the pH level was off. They helped me with a full aeration and drainage procedure to ensure that my lawn would take in water well enough while clearing out all those dandelion seeds. The service was very effective, and today my yard looks greener and more beautiful than it ever has been. They also helped me with reviewing my lawn cutting efforts to see how well my lawn is cut every time.