Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Burnsville, MN as of Nov, 2023


Clip Clean Lawn Services in Burnsville, MN

Hired 229 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.8/5.186 Reviews)

You deserve to have more time doing the things you want to enjoy in Burnsville. You could go to Buck Hill and enjoy a quick ski down the incline. You can enjoy the park scenes around Alimagnet Lake. There’s the option to visit the Burnsville Center and spend the day shopping there.

One way how you can make more out of living in Burnsville is by hiring a lawn care provider to help you with your yard. But it can be a challenge to find a quality lawn mowing service that you can trust. The good news is that our experts at Clip Clean can assist you with all the grass cutting needs you have. We know what it takes to care for everything around your home in Burnsville, regardless of its size.

Our team members at Clip Clean will help you to cut your yard regardless of what it features. We serve yards throughout the city, including ones in the Sunset Pond area. We respect the needs that people around such high-end neighborhoods have when it comes to their yards. We will never second-guess whatever has to work for your yard.

We provide a thorough array of services that all homeowners in Burnsville can appreciate. We can help you in the summer with a full mowing service, where we can trim your yard to the correct height.

We can also aerate and seed your yard during the spring season. Our fall cleaning service will also remove the debris from around your turf bed, including leaves the trees shed and any branches that fell off.

Our experts are proud of the work that we offer at Clip Clean. We have been serving people in Burnsville and elsewhere in the Twin Cities area for years. We recognize that it takes a bit of time to get a lawn to look its best, but it is through hard work that your yard will receive the results it deserves. You will love how impressive your yard appears after we assist you with whatever requirements you may have for your property.

We can also work on your landscape as necessary. Our yard maintenance experts can check on your trees, bushes, and other features around your yard. We work well for properties around all parts of the city, including in Rolling Meadows Acres and other neighborhoods where the trees are plentiful. We will also clean up the branches and other stuff that is left behind after we work on your landscape. You can ask us to clean out the weeds that show around your property too.

You need nothing but the best support for your yard in Burnsville. Talk with us at Clip Clean to learn more about what we can do for your yard, and how you can benefit from our services. We can provide you with a free estimate for services to identify what works when caring for your yard.


Midwest Ecoscapes Lawn Services in Burnsville, MN

Hired 131 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.7/5.140 Reviews)

Not everyone in Burnsville understands what it takes to care for your yard as we at Midwest Ecoscapes do. Our lawn maintenance experts at Midwest Ecoscapes are available to help you with whatever concerns you might have for your yard. Every yard in Burnsville has unique needs. Our goal is to figure out what is necessary for your yard.

We work out of the Burnsville area, specifically near the Burnsville Center. The city has become a popular site for business in recent years thanks in part to the well-groomed yards and landscapes around the region. Look at properties around the Burnsville Center or Hollow Park to the west, for instance. You’ll find that the grass beds are all maintained well to where the turf is green and growing. The bushes and trees around these spots have also been pruned and trimmed. The work keeps such features looking even and beautiful. You deserve the same attention at your property.

We can help you with keeping the yard at your home or business looking its best. You don’t need as much money as one of those businesses in the area when asking for help. We can work for people with even the smallest budgets, including those living in the Sunny Acres neighborhood, where the homes aren’t as vast. We can check on how your yard looks and find a solution that fits your needs.

But what can we do for your yard at Midwest Ecoscapes? To start, we can help you with your grass cutting needs. We’ll cut your yard to the best possible height based on how well the grass grows. We can also trim the ends of your yard near any fences, utility boxes, above-ground pools, or other features you have around your property.

Our tree service will groom whatever trees you have outside your home or business. We’ll cut excess growths to keep them from interfering with your property, not to mention we’ll ensure they don’t crowd around your windows.

We can remove weeds, pests, and other annoyances from your yard. Such issues can be a burden at your yard, but our experts at Midwest Ecoscapes will ensure these threats aren’t a problem. We can safely remove dandelions and other weeds while keeping their roots or seeds from persisting. We’ll also eliminate grubs, fire ants, and other pests that might hurt your yard from the inside out.

All of this comes with rates that you can easily afford. We’ll let you know what you can expect to spend on services before we start working. Our services are flexible in that we can plan out different tasks based on what you want us to do and whatever needs your yard may have for help.

Our team at Midwest Ecoscapes wants to see what can work for your yard today. You can talk to us today to learn about our services and how we can work for your turf bed and landscape. The odds are you’ll find a solution through us that fits your property needs.


Year Round Landscape Lawn Services in Burnsville, MN

Hired 238 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.4/5.73 Reviews)

The concerns that can develop around your yard in Burnsville can be dramatic. You might find dandelions, wild violets, and other weeds that can build up all around. There may also be some dead patches of grass around some sections of your turf bed. You could even experience flooding around your yard after a storm, a problem that can be even worse if you’re near Crystal Lake or another body of water in Burnsville.

But you won’t have to worry about any of these problems if you ask us at Year Round Landscape for help. Our experts are available to figure out what your property requires. We can help you with whatever burdens your yard is experiencing and fix the problems that appear as soon as possible.

Do you have weeds around your yard? We can clean out the growths and reseed any areas that need extra help. Our weed removal service is ideal for homes on Judicial Road with extensive landscapes. Such high-value properties need extra attention when keeping their gardens and bushes healthy. We’ll review every last bit of room around your yard to ensure nothing troublesome is building up where you are.

Maybe you’ve got some grass that has died out. We can check on your soil and add an amendment to the turf bed as necessary. We can also aerate the yard and apply new seed. Our experts will restore the quality of your yard to where everything grows well.

What about cases where your yard is flooding? We can check on your yard’s drainage features and aerate any trouble spots we find.

You never know what might happen around your property in Burnsville. Our job is to fix whatever issues may arise around your site. We will see that your yard gets the help it needs every time we get to work.

We proudly provide a thorough service that ensures your yard is treated well and receives the help it needs. The best part of our work at Year Round Landscape is that we have the most affordable rates in Burnsville. We don’t feel you should have to pay lots of money to get a lawn care problem fixed. It’s not like you planned on experiencing any of these issues at your property.

Every yard in Burnsville can benefit from our work. We serve more massive lawns around Vista View. You can ask for help if you have a home in Hollow Park with lots of trees all over the place. Our free estimate can check on what your yard needs and how we’re able to help you with whatever works for your site.

We at Year Round Landscape want to be your choice for lawn maintenance in Burnsville. You can reach us online or by phone to learn about the services we have to offer. We can provide a full estimate for services based on what works for your property and what it needs when receiving the support it deserves.


AA Property Services Lawn Services in Burnsville, MN

Hired 160 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.3/5.129 Reviews)

You know that you must get the lawn cut at your home or business on occasion. But have you ever considered how often you need to get everything cut, let alone how you’re going to care for the job at hand? Maybe you might not think much about the quality of the lawn mowing equipment in question.

We at AA Property Services know that your yard needs extra care and help on occasion. We are available to help you with your yard every season.

Our service is perfect for all homeowners. Do you have a rental property in the Maple Island area? We can care for your yard at the right times based on who’s arriving.

You might also have lots of trees around your yard in the Keller Lake area. Our experts can check on whatever may work for those growths and other exciting features all around.

You can ask us at AA to help you with your yard at a time that’s right for you. Are you looking to get the lawn cut every week, or do you prefer every other week? We can work with whatever schedule you wish to utilize.

Our experts will also ensure the lawn mowing equipment we use is safe for your yard. Successful yard maintenance entails working with sharp mowing blades that will not tear up your yard. The effort also includes ensuring the wheels on a mower are safe for use and that they won’t tear up your grass as they go over the turf. We’ll check on everything we use in the mowing process to ensure your yard gets the help it needs every time.

We also ensure that the mowing process itself is safe. We work with two particular rules when it comes to grass cutting. First, we have to ensure we don’t remove more grass than necessary. Removing far too much grass at a time can shock your turf bed and cause undue stress. Second, we’ll ensure that your yard is dry and safe to move a mower on before we start. Mowing a wet lawn can be dangerous due to how soft the grass bed is.

Our careful approach to lawn mowing at AA Property Services is something you will appreciate. We only work our hardest to ensure your yard gets the help it requires every time.

Don’t forget about the affordable rates we have to offer. Our team can note how well your grass is growing and figure out what works best for your mowing needs. We can plan a mowing strategy that fits in well with your yard.

You’re never going to have to worry about what we will do for your home here at AA Property Services. We want to ensure that your yard stands out and has the best possible look that it deserves. You can access us today to learn more about what we can do and to hire us for yard maintenance services at your Burnsville home or business.

Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:

(based on 742,477 reviews)
Jennifer Alcala lawn mowing service in Burnsville MN
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Clip Clean helped me with getting my lawn ready for a party recently. I was going to bring in some guests to my home in the Southampton neighborhood, and I needed someone to help with cutting the grass and restoring everything. The people at Clip Clean knew what my yard needs the most. They trimmed the grass and also removed the weeds in my garden bed. They also cut some of the excess growths around my yard. I am glad that there’s someone in Burnsville who understands what it takes to support a yard.

Susan Jones lawn mowing service in Burnsville MN
affordable-grass-cutting-businesses-in-Burnsville-MN local-lawn-maintenance-contractors-in-Burnsville-MN lawn-maintenance-in-Burnsville-MN lawn-care-services-in-Burnsville-MN affordable-lawn-services-in-Burnsville-MN

Midwest Ecoscapes served my yard in the Maple Island neighborhood recently. I had some issues with my yard flooding after just about every rainstorm that comes through Burnsville. The people at Midwest Ecoscapes checked on what the deal was with my yard. It turned out that I had compacted soil. They loosened the dirt and checked on my drainage. The people were very thorough in what they were doing for me, and I never had to worry about what they were doing for me. I think that anyone in Burnsville could benefit from what the people here can do for a yard.

Dixie Davis lawn service in Burnsville MN
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The people at Year Round Landscape arrive at my property every week to help me groom my yard. They come to my house in the Knob Hill neighborhood and clear everything out in moments. They always cut the grass evenly, not to mention they also trim around my garden. Their landscape maintenance professionals also trim my bushes. My favorite part of their work is that they can care for my yard even when it’s freezing out. They provide a full cleaning service throughout the winter to ensure leaves, snow, and other stuff will not hurt my grass.

Steven Smith lawn cutting in Burnsville MN
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AA Property Services gives my yard in River Woods the support it needs every two weeks. They provide a full lawn mowing service every time they arrive. I’ve noticed that they never do the same grass cutting job twice here. They always figure out the height for cutting, not to mention they don’t use the same mowing pattern every time. They keep things fresh, which is something I appreciate. I need my yard looking its best throughout the year. It’s great to have a company like AA on hand to help me with all the things my yard needs.