5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Kill Weeds in Your Lawn

5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Kill Weeds in Your Lawn

5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Kill Weeds in Your Lawn

With these 5 easy to follow methods you can kill weeds in your lawn...

All without any chemicals!

We all know the feeling.

You walk out into your beautiful yard and you find that it is covered in weeds!

Fortunately, we have 5 eco-friendly weed control methods for you.

Sound good? Then let’s dive in!

We all know that chemicals like Roundup can be used to kill weeds.

Unfortunately, these chemicals have long lasting effects on our bodies, lawns and environments. 

Here’s the deal, instead you can use some homemade weed-killing solutions.

Even better, you will also be making the yard safer for you, your family, your pets and the animals who may be passing through. 

If you don't want to pay a professional lawn care company, these Eco-friendly weed killing methods will work for you.

Let’s jump into method #1!

Eco-Friendly Weed Control Method #1 

The first thing you have to do is put in the work. 

Just get down on your hands and knees and begin pulling the weeds yourself. It is a lot of work, yes. But you can get some exercise and get rid of those weeds using nothing more than a simple weeding tool and your hands. 

I know, it may not be as easy as using herbicides. But the results will be achieved without any chemicals. And in the long run the results will be better. Even better you will appreciate your lawn more for it.

In my experience, weeding the lawn by hand is not as bad as it seems to be. 

Eco-Friendly Weed Control Method #2

Do you have a pot full of boiling water left over? Maybe you just cooked up some pasta, or boiled some potatoes.  

Go out to the weeds and pour the boiling water over the top of them. They won’t be there much longer.

This is enough to kill even the toughest weeds, shriveling up your problem within just a few days.

Eco-Friendly Weed Control Method #3

This one is very easy and effective.  It is likely your best solution if you just want to replace the lawn. Although It may not be the most attractive way to kill your weeds, it is free!

Simply put, all you have to do is smother weeds and deny them any light from the sun. 

There are three common items you can use to smother weeds:

  1. Newspaper

  2. Cardboard

  3. A Tarp

Just leave any of those down in the lawn for a couple of days. Within just a few days, all of the weeds under the covered area will be dead

Best of all, they will remain dead until new seeds sprout and grow. 

Eco-Friendly Weed Control Method #4

Check this out, salt is a cheap and easy way to kill weeds fast. 

The same rock salt that is used to melt snow, can be used to kill weeds too. You can also use simple table salt, or water softener salt as well. 

Be AWARE! There are two issues with using salt:

  1. Salt can make the ground barren if you use too much, so use it sparingly. 

  2. Salt can also cause issues with any pavers, cement or stepping stones. 

Here’s the deal, salt can break apart many types of pavers and stone if used too frequently. If you must use it on pavers, just be sure to do it sparingly. 

Eco-Friendly Weed Control Method #5

Maintaining the lawn is perhaps the most important method of weed control. 

Once you have weeded the lawn and your dream turf has begun to form. You must be sure to maintain the lawn regularly. 

Seed heads develop fast and keeping the lawn mowed on a regular basis is a crucial part of having a weed-free lawn.

Get this, it’s not just the weeds in your lawn you need to watch out for. You must also watch for the weeds along the perimeter of your property too. You want to be sure that plants along the edge of your lawn are not spreading seeds into the lawn itself. The Best way to do this is by maintaining the border of your lawn.

Bonus Tip: Use corn gluten in early spring as a pre-emergent. Corn gluten will bind to any seeds in the lawn, and keep them from sprouting. Obviously you won’t want to apply it over any grass seeds you have spread out. But when used properly corn gluten will stop weeds from growing in your lawn and landscape.

The Bottom Line on Eco-friendly Weed Control

Weeds are awful, but you don't have to use any sort of harsh weed killer to get rid of them.

Don’t lower yourself down to their level, unless you are weeding by hand. Instead you can use these Eco-friendly ways to get rid of the weeds for good.

Best of all you can begin to build an Eco-friendly lawn. Households across the nation are all moving towards a more Eco-friendly alternatives. And so are many lawn care companies.  

If you need help getting rid of weeds in your lawn, or simply need someone near you to cut the grass. Try GreenPal's free lawn care bids

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