​How Your Landscape Can Help You Sell Your Home

​How Your Landscape Can Help You Sell Your Home

​How Your Landscape Can Help You Sell Your Home

A properly maintained landscape can help you sell your home, and even improve it’s value. 

Think about it. First impressions are lasting impressions. 

Your landscape is the first thing a prospective buyer will see. 

So how does your landscape improve your chances of selling?

Let’s take a look. 

Curb Appeal

All potential home buyers have one thing in common. They love to drive around and look at homes on the market. 

And there is only one way to entice a drive-by buyer is curb appeal

The saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover” might be true with many things, however when it comes to buying a home buyers are going to be critical of everything.

Think about it, if someone does not take care of their lawn and landscape, it will appear to the buyer of the property may have not taken care of the inside either.

Which leads me to my next point.

Proof of Value

Here is the deal, when someone is looking to buy a home, they want to make sure they are making the best purchase possible. 

This includes buying a home that has had regular upkeep on plumbing, electrical, and other necessary home maintenance. They want to see that it has been taken care of by the previous owners. Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases a prospective home buyer will make in their life. It is crucial that you are assuring them that they are making a smart purchase. 

Simply put, seeing a home with a neglected lawn or landscape, will only make a home buyer think that the inside of the home is as bad as the outside. 

Though this might not be the case, home buyers can only go by what they see.

The Digital Effect

With all of the resources available on the internet at a home buyers fingertips, they have access to thousands of potential homes. 

They can search and find any home on the market that meets their criteria and they will quickly skip those that don’t. When listing your home for sale online, a large amount of pictures is essential to selling your home. This includes pictures of the outside of your home and the landscape.

If they don’t like what they see from the outside, they will likely scroll right past your home and on to the next. 

Pictures of a well maintained landscape will have them stuck on your home's listing longer.

Landscaping Tips for Selling You Home-

Because landscaping is so essential to helping you sell your home, I wanted to offer you a few tips on what landscaping tips you should follow to sell your home faster. 

Landscape Tips to Sell Your Home #1: Cut the Lawn More Frequently

Instead of cutting the grass once a week or every two weeks, mow the lawn about 2 times a week. 

Here’s why, cutting the lawn more often makes it look better. Best of all, it reduces the chance your lawn will get damaged during the selling process. 

Unfortunately, many real estate agencies only cut lawns about once a month. But this practice is terrible for the lawn, and it just looks bad. 

Landscape Tips to Sell Your Home #2: Edge Along All Hardscapes

Maintaining the edges of your property is essential to making your home look its best. 

I have said this time and time again. The edge of your lawn is like framing a piece of artwork. Sure, a piece of art looks great on its own, but it looks so much better when it is properly framed. 

Take the time to edge along your walkways and garden beds when you are trying to sell your home.

Landscape Tips to Sell Your Home #3: Prune As Early As Possible

If you know you want to sell your home a year from now. Take care of the pruning ahead of time.

Why? Sometimes pruning unmaintained plants can make them look terrible at first. It may take some plants a year to flush back out and look their best again. This is why you should really prune your landscapes bushes as early as possible. 

Additionally, consider removing any bushes or shrubs that are holding back the look of your lawn. 

What's the Bottom Line?

Putting your home on the market can be a stressful situation. 

There are many questions throughout the entire process. How long will it take to sell your home? Will you get close to the desired price? Is there anything you can do to help sell your home?

While getting the answers might be difficult, caring for the landscape can help move the process along. 

Landscaping is something that many homeowners forget to focus on when putting their home on the market. 

While cleaning and upgrading the inside is crucial, your lawn is what they will see first. So, if you are putting your house on the market, give a call to a landscaping company near you.

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