5 Easy to Follow Steps for Eco-Friendly Lawn Care

5 Easy to Follow Steps for Eco-Friendly Lawn Care

5 Easy to Follow Steps for Eco-Friendly Lawn Care

In this article, you will learn some of the latest tips for eco-friendly lawn care. 

Including 5 actionable steps you can start using today.

It’s true, every homeowner wants to have a nice green lawn.

Unfortunately, we do a lot of damage to the environment to get to that point. 

I am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way!

Want a green lawn that won’t harm the environment? 

Then keep reading. 

The Problems of Conventional Lawn Care

In my experience, there are certainly times when using organic solutions may not be practical. 

For example, it is especially costly for lawn care companies to transition to eco-friendly lawn care, and customers are not often willing to pay the extra cost.

As a result the industry standard can do a lot of damage to the environment. 

We, use pesticides and herbicides. 

We use gas powered engines too often.

And we often use too much water on our lawns.

But, if you do some of the work yourself there is a better way. 

Eco-Friendly Steps

Having a lawn can be very “eco-unfriendly”, unless you take these five easy to follow steps below. 

Eco-Friendly Lawn Step One- Collect Rainwater

First of all, if you want to get that green, eco-friendly lawn you need to collect rain water and use it on your plants. Rainwater is falling from the sky, it is free and it is natural. Just collect that water and spray it over the lawn when you need it. 

While you are at it, get a lawn-moisture meter. 

This will tell you how much water is being used on the lawn and whether or not it is too much or too little. By knowing the moisture level of the lawn, you can make sure your lawn doesn't end up over-saturated, and so that you don't end up wasting water. 

This will also save you a lot of money annually.

Eco-Friendly Lawn Step Two-  Use the Reel Mower

If you are going to mow the lawn, get a workout while you do it. Forget about a riding lawnmower, or a gas push mower, and buy a reel push-mower. This mower is powered by your own energy as you are pushing it through the yard. 

Get this, there is an added benefit to using a reel mower. You can burn 400 calories an hour when you push mow the lawn. That is a great workout!

Eco-Friendly Lawn Step Three- Compost, compost, compost.

It’s simple, if you have yard waste. Compost it. 

Compost is great for the garden and the lawn, and you can make it free with the yard and kitchen waste that you are just planning on throwing away. 

It gets better, you can use compost as a top dressing in your lawn, which will cut down on the amount of fertilizer you need to use to get a green lawn. 

Save money and the environment by composting it all.

Too many people don’t know this, but you can compost your grass clippings too!

Eco-Friendly Lawn Step Four- Plant Native

Forget about bringing in plants that are not native to the area. 

Bring in native plants that are healthy for the environment and won't grow out of control and begin to damage your local eco-system.


Not only are native plants easier to establish and maintain in your landscape, you can also help local pollinators and wildlife too! There are a lot of native plants in every area, and you can achieve an amazing landscape with them too!

Eco-Friendly Lawn Step Five- Replace the Lawn

Ever thought of ripping up your lawn and having a garden instead? 

You can do so, and it is easy to do, with just a bit of effort to put the garden in. 

While your at it, forget about pesticides and herbicides. There are many other organic pest control options

If your lawn is big enough, you can even let part of it grow wild. Go ahead let those wildflowers come in! You can even throw some seeds or bulbs into the mix, and weed out the bad plants.

Eco-friendly Lawn Care In Short

As you can see there are many steps you can take to get make your lawn eco-friendly. 

This is crazy, but these are just some brief steps you can use to make your lawn look great, without the need for harmful methods or chemicals.

There are many more things you can do, and a lot of the tips you can use are right here in GreenPal’s blog!

Best of all, if you need a lawn care professional to help you get all of your yard work done, you can find them here on GreenPal

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