Do you know your varieties of turf grass?

Do you know your varieties of turf grass?

Do you know your varieties of turf grass?

Whether you decide to hire a landscaping company, or mow the lawn yourself. 

If you are like most homeowners, you want a green yard.  

So what is the best grass for a lush green lawn? 

Well, that all depends on where you live, and how much work you want to invest. 

Here is a review of twelve different kinds of grass to choose from, one is right for you,  

We break each grass type down right now!

Ready to go? Then, let’s dive in!

Bahia Grass 

Low maintenance

Bahia grass has a deep root system and will stay green into the fall and winter. It has a coarse texture and light green color. 

However, it requires a moderate amount of watering, and only occasional fertilizer.


  • Regular watering.

  • Minimal fertilizing.

Bent Grass

Moderately-high maintenance 

Bent grass is commonly used on golf courses because of it's tolerance for heavy foot traffic. 

Water and fertilize as needed, since the shallow root system will need special care. 

Best of all, bent grass can be mowed very short without damage. It is easy to grow and has an attractive green color.


  • Regular fertilizing.

  • Regular watering.

Bermuda Grass

Low maintenance

Bermuda grass will grow in many different kinds of soils. It is drought resistant and makes a great lawn with minimal fertilizing and regular mowing. 

Bermuda grass will grow in the shade, but grows best in full sun. It can tolerate heavy foot traffic and cold weather. 

Best of all, Bermuda grass will stay green well into the winter if watered weekly.


  • Best in full sun, but tolerates shade.

  • Regular watering for winter foliage.

Buffalo Grass

Very low maintenance

Buffalo grass is an excellent choice for anyone who lives in an area with extreme conditions, or anyone who wants a beautiful lawn with little work. 

Buffalo grass is very low maintenance. It is drought resistant and does not require fertilizing. 

In fact, fertilization can be harmful to Buffalo grass. 

It only needs to be mowed about once a month, or as little as once a year if you want to have a naturalistic looking landscape.


  • Very low maintenance.

  • Monthly mowing.

Carpet Grass

Low maintenance

Carpet grass will grow in low, wet, areas with sandy soil. It needs a low pH so fertilization is not needed. 

However, it is not drought resistant and will need regular care in periods of dry weather.


  • Low pH soil.

  • Regular watering.

Centipede Grass

Very low maintenance 

Centipede grass makes a dense, beautiful, weed free lawn

Even better, it is low maintenance. Grows well in the shade, sandy soil, will adapt to low fertility conditions.  

It is cold tolerant to 5 degrees and needs little or no fertilizing.


  • Minimal maintenance.

Fescue Grass

Moderate maintenance

Fescue grass is disease resistant, and can tolerate high foot traffic

However, it has a "bunch-type" growth that will need pre-emergence herbicide to keep away weeds

It does well in cool weather and will stay green for eight to nine months. 

However, fescue does need yearly fertilizing.


  • Requires pre-emergent.

  • Annual fertilizing.

Kentucky Blue Grass

Moderately-high maintenance

Here's the deal, Kentucky blue grass is well known for it's appearance, however it is not easy to care for.

Look, Kentucky blue grass will need a steady supply of water. As it is not drought tolerant.

Keep in mind, the grass should be mowed to a consistent three inches. Over mowing will cause dehydration. And will allow insects to take over the lawn.

However, it will remain thick and lush if cared for properly. 


  • Regular watering.

  • Moderate mowing. 

Paspalum Grass

Moderate Maintenance

Get this, paspalum grass will grow where other grass won't

Paspalum does fine in any area that has low light, and extended heavy rain. 

However, this grass requires a nitrogen fertilizer in the spring, then again in the fall.


  • Requires nitrogen rich fertilizer.

  • Occasional watering.

Rye Grass

Moderate maintenance

Rye grass can tolerate low mowing, but not drought conditions. 

It will not do well in extreme hot or cold and tends to be pest prone.


  • Regular watering.

  • Moderate temperatures.

St. Augustine Grass

Low maintenance

St. Augustine grass is a fast growing grass that needs to be mowed on a regular schedule of every 5 or 7 days. 

Avoid over fertilizing as this can cause very rapid growth that will encourage insect infestations. 

It is drought resistant, but will need occasional watering in times of extended periods of hot, dry weather.


  • Regular mowing.

  • Occasional watering.

Zoysia Grass

Very-low maintenance 

Check this out, zoysia grass has been called the perfect solution for lawns. 

Like St. Augustine, this grass is planted with plugs not seeds. It is a slow growing grass.

Best of all, zoysia grass does not need a lot of attention. It will grow slowly filling in bare spots. 

With zoysia grass, you will have less mowing, watering or fertilizing.

However, It is not a cool weather grass. 


  • Requires minimal maintenance.

Bottom Line on Finding the Right Grass for Your Lawn

Finding the right grass for your soil and climate is the first step to having a consistently beautiful lawn. 

With a little luck and a bit more work, you can enjoy your lawn for years to come. Truly the best type of grass for you depends on the needs of your lawn, and your individual goals. 

Need help deciding which grass you want to use in your lawn? It's simple! Hire one of the pros from GreenPal!

Infographic with 12 types of turf grasses and information on choosing the right grass for your lawn.

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