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Creating Your Field of Dreams Tips for an Eccentiic Landscape (Infographic)

  • by
  • Gene Caballero
  • June 26, 2020

This thorough infographic has all you need to know about “alternative landscaping to fit a homeowner’s eccentric needs”. So if you are looking to create an amazing lawn that not only looks great, but is also functional too! This infographic is for you. If that sounds like a plan, then let's break this infographic down!

What is the first step to starting a successful landscaping project? 

In order to create a great landscape that you will enjoy for decades to come. You must first plan a for successful landscape design. However, things are not that simple. You must also first understand the 6 basic landscaping principles. 

What are the 6 basic principles of landscaping?

When planning a landscape, you must keep these 6 landscaping principles in mind. They are; colors, scale, focal point, texture, grouping and sequence.

What is one of the most overlooked principles of landscaping?

One of the most important principles of landscape design is spacing. Many people over plant a landscape with closely placed small plants. But as these plants grow up, they will get bigger and overcrowd the landscape.  It is important to space plants appropriately based on how big they can get, not how big they are when you plant them. 

What are some tips to keep in mind when designing a landscape?

This infographic is loaded with great tips you can use. Here are just a couple. Always consider what the color of your landscape will be throughout the year. Another great landscaping tip is to always mix things up. Use some plants that have rough textures, and some that are smooth. This will help break up the landscape a bit. 

What are some unique features I can add to spice up my landscape design?

If you want to go beyond with your landscape, here are a few features you can consider adding. Some things you may consider adding include a family fire pit, an outdoor dining area, cozy cottage, a Japanese garden or even a backyard playground. You may also want to consider installing a water feature of some sort such as a coy pond, or waterfall. 

Hopefully this infographic can give you some inspiration when you are planning your next landscape design! And if you find it useful, be sure to share it with your friends and family!

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