Can mowing over dog poop be dangerous? {It's Worse Than You Imagined}

Can mowing over dog poop be dangerous? {It's Worse Than You Imagined}

Can mowing over dog poop be dangerous? {It's Worse Than You Imagined}

Will you be prepared for when the $h#t Hits the Blade?

This is terrifying, but the SHTB scenarios occur 1000’s of times every day in America. 

And before you freak out, I'm not talking about end-of-the-world scenarios, but rather about the 10,000’s of dog piles hitting lawn mower blades each and every day. 

Truly it’s not uncommon for homeowners and even lawn care pros to ‘mulch’ dog poop into the lawn. 

But did you know that dog poop is actually dangerous?

It’s true, but how dangerous is mowing over dog feces?

Well, this may not be the prettiest article, but it's important information that you need to know. Because mowing dog poop into the lawn is a bigger problem than you think!

Brace yourself cause things are about to get messy…

In Short: Is it dangerous to mow grass into the lawn?

Let’s cut to the point faster than a lawn mower blade through a freshly laid dogpile. 

Is it dangerous to mow grass into the lawn? 


So, why is it dangerous to mow dog poop into the lawn? And what can you do about it?

Let’s dive in deeper!

Why is dog poop in the lawn dangerous?

“As a licensed Veterinarian, I'd be happy to offer my insights on the potential dangers of dog poop when it comes to mowing lawns. Mowing over dog poop does pose potential risks to both humans and other animals.” --Michael Thompson Founder & Leading Veterinarian Pets Food Safety

Mr. Thompson went further and gave the following three examples of how dog poop can be harmful to people, pets, and the environment itself.

1. Dog Poop Transmits Parasites and Diseases:

It’s no secret; dog poop can contain many types of parasites. These can include:

  • Roundworms

  • Tapeworms

  • Campylobacteriosis, 

  • E. coli, 

  • Gladaria, 

  • Parvo, 

  • Salmonella, 

  • and Cocciola. 

The worst part is that these parasites can be spread to humans and other animals with just simple contact with contaminated surfaces. And when you hit a pile of dog poop with lawn mower blades and sling it across the lawn, you are risking spreading parasites everywhere. Which your dog can easily pick up from eating grass

Talk about GROSS!!!

As you can see, improperly disposing of dog poop won’t just ruin your lawn, it can cause health issues too. 

Dog waste can contaminate water

2. Dog Poop Contaminates Waterways

Look, when dog poop is in neat clumps on the lawn, it may not be the prettiest sight, but it is much easier to clean up. 

Here’s the deal, mowing over dog poop breaks it into smaller particles, and that's NOT A GOOD THING. These particles can spread throughout the lawn. Then when it rains, these particles can wash into local waterways, where they can contaminate local streams where animals drink

Or even wind up in drinking water!

WORST OF ALL, many of these particles may not get removed by the filtration systems and can wind up contaminating water intended for human consumption. 

While animal waste is a part of nature. When it comes to suburbs and big cities. There is simply such a high concentration of dogs that it can really start to add up. And the harmful agents like e coli that are contained in dog poop can begin to cause issues on a larger scale. 

Lawn turned brown from dog poop and pee

3. Soil and Plant Health Issues

“Dog feces contain high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus, which can cause "burn spots" on your lawn when left in concentrated amounts. Mowing over dog poop can distribute these nutrients unevenly, potentially damaging your grass and creating an unhealthy lawn environment.” -Hanif Roslen, Founder of

Look, this is an important point.

While a little dog poop may actually benefit the lawn. It doesn’t take long for it to cause issues. The build-up of nitrogen and phosphorus can cause brown patches in your lawn. Just like dog pee can.

One great way to handle this issue is to make a designated potty spot where your dog can use the restroom and not damage the rest of the lawn. Here are more great ways to make your lawn more pet friendly

How to remove dog poop from a lawn

Methods To Limit the Risks Associated With Dog Poop

“To minimize the risks associated with dog poop, it is essential to practice responsible pet ownership and maintain proper lawn care.” -Hanif Roslen, Founder of

Mr. Roslen also followed up with a few great tips to avoid issues with dog poop contaminating your lawn and waterways. 

Here are a few great ways to deal with dog poop on your lawn and prevent the issues laid out above:

  • Picking up and properly disposing of dog poop regularly,

  • Keeping your dog dewormed and up to date on all medications and vaccines,

  • Creating a dedicated part of your lawn as a potty spot and train your dog how to use it,

  • Keeping your lawn care and garden equipment regularly cleaned and de-sanitized to prevent the spread of pathogens.

In a Nutshell: The Dangers of Mowing Dog Poop into the Lawn

As you can see from the information we have laid out, it is dangerous to care for dog poop improperly. And mowing it into your lawn isn’t simply a harmless action. 

Not only can it cause your lawn to become unhealthy, dog feces can spread a plethora of diseases to humans and animals as well. 

Your best bet is to clean up dog poop regularly or hire someone to do it. If you are looking to hire someone to handle the dirty work, some local lawn care services also offer dog poop removal as part of their cleaning services. 

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