​Best Lawn Fertilization Companies in St Louis

​Best Lawn Fertilization Companies in St Louis

​Best Lawn Fertilization Companies in St Louis

For the first image with the green banner and question mark, an appropriate alt tag could be "Green banner with a white question mark asking 'How can you actually use this?'".

Everyone envies the guy with the perfect lush green lawn in the neighborhood. Is he or she some sort of green thumb magician that has the powers to turn any lawn into the a back nine green at Augusta? Probably not but they are certainly doing what it takes to keep their lawn green and healthy and making sure you are fertilizing is a big part of that maintenance.

So when you do Fertilize your yard the correct way, your lawn will be on its way to being the belle of the ball. More dense turf that maintains a deep green color and helps pushout weeds are all a result of fertilizing properly. According to Scotts, Nitrogen is every lawn's most important ingredient, and since each type of grass demands different amounts to display peak and growth, How often you fertilize affects not only your lawn appearance but also your maintenance level.

So if you are not the do-it-yourselfer and are in the St. Louis Area, GreenPal asked the top lawn care professionals who are the best local lawn fertilizations company.

Greg Lay with Cutting Edge Total Lawn Care who does landscaping in Chesterfield, Missouri recommends Loyalty Lawn Care

"When I have to recommend fertilization services to my homeowners, I always recommend Loyalty. They have fantastic results and customer service. I take great pride in my lawns and I know the folks at Loyalty will make them thicker, greener, and healthier than ever. The cost is very affordable and they use high quality products and their people are great."

(636) - 748-0734

Joel Rodrigues with Dahlias Landscaping in St. Louis always uses the pros over at ProTurf Landscaping Solutions

"Pro Turf's professionalism and experience has made them of the premier fertilizer and chemical companies in St. Louis. I have entrusted them in all of my clients including my high end, high profile clients and they have never let me down. They are a great partner that I love working with."

(314) - 575-3200

Mike Cebulski with MJ Lawn who services St. Louis and also mows lawns in Ballwin, Missouri uses Quiet Village Landscaping

"Quiet Village Landscaping will build a custom plan just for you and your lawn needs. This consists of a six step program which includes 4 fertilization treatments, one for each session of the year. In the spring, they will thatch the yard and in the fall they will aerate and overseed. All for one flat rate depending on size of yard but have hidden or additional charges. They have the best bang for your buck."

The second image shows a person's hands holding rich, dark soil, suggesting gardening or planting, so the alt tag could be "Person's hands holding fertile soil over a terracotta pot, indicative of gardening activities".

(314) - 657-7050

When it comes to feeding your lawn, doing it four times a year is crucial to its growth and development. Feeding it in Early Spring (Feb-April) are when the lawns wake up hungry and are ready to eat. Late spring (April-June) is like lunchtime for your lawn. It's been busy using its stored energy for growth and needs more food. Summer (June-August) is tough on grass. Heat, drought, foot traffic, and insects stress it out so feeding it helps strengthen against these issues. Fall (September-November) has your ideal growing conditions for your lawn. Cool nights, warm days, ample rainfall, and morning dew just as good as it gets for grass. Its ready to grow and needs its nutrients to do so.

Following these steps and enlisting these St. Louis' fertilization pros can guarantee that your neighbors will be green with envy.

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