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7 Amazingly Simple Tips To Grow Your Lawn Care Company with Youtube

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As you know, anyone can create a YouTube channel.

But, it’s a lot harder to get views on your videos, than it is to create an account. 

So how can lawn care providers use YouTube to grow their business?

Well, that is what we will find out today. After all, marketing is part of managing your growing lawn care business

Below are 7 tips to mow down the competition and get your YouTube channel going!

Also, be sure to sign up as a lawn care vendor on GreenPal for free lawn care leads!

1. Learn Your Audience and Create Instructional Videos

“Get an understanding of the problems or questions your target audience might have. You might already know a few places to start, but take a look at what competitors are doing too. This is a quick hack that can help you quickly come up with ideas for your strategy.” - John Valentino, Owner of John and Bob’s

It's true, whether you are a lawn care provider marketing on LinkedIn, or YouTube. Instructional videos are highly valued across the board. 

Not only do instructional videos help your audience to become more informed. They show that you are an expert and build your brand's authority. 

“Create simple, instructional videos that answer these queries in an easy to understand way. When you upload them, you need to make sure that people can easily find them on YouTube. To that end, optimize your YouTube channel and each video with relevant keywords.” - John Valentino, Owner of John and Bob’s

As John said, it’s not only important to make good lawn care content, you also want to be sure to optimize your videos. 

Optimize your keywords in:

  • Your Title,

  • Video Description,

  • and Tags.

This will ensure that your video finds the right audience.  You will also want to use local keywords too so that YouTube users in your service area can find your videos.

Which brings us to Tip #2

2. Create Local Content

“Know your audience and what they’re most likely to engage with.  This often includes staying on-brand with unique messaging.  Specifically for lawn care companies, make sure that your content is relevant to the climates and regions that your service.  If you are in multiple markets, set up playlists for each region.” -Alex Membrillo CEO of Cardinal Digital Marketing

Here’s the deal, one of the most important things to keep in mind when marketing your lawn care and landscaping services is to keep it local.

The more you can specialize in your service area and optimize for local keywords. The more you will be able to grow an audience that is likely to hire you

For example, if you are a lawn care company in Atlanta, Georgia. You should focus on content that is specific to people in Atlanta, Georgia, or the larger regional area. 

So, if you create a video like “5 tips for a Greener Lawn”, add a local or regional focus to your content

For example “5 tips for a Greener Lawn in Atlanta, Georgia” or “5 tips for a Greener Lawn in Norther Georgia”.

The more you can focus on local and regional content. The more likely your content will be shown to your target audience. 

3. Pick a Magnetizing Title 

“Use a magnetizing video title.  This is important because a good title can make or break your deal. When you’re planning to promote your lawn care business on YouTube, start by creating a snackable title. ‘How to’ and ‘tips’ videos are ideal topics for lawn care. For example, you can create titles like ‘3 best lawn care tips for beginners’, ‘ How to fix your lawn in 3 easy tips?’ or ‘ 5 secrets to having a perfect lawn’.” - Dave Nilsson Founder and Director At ConvertedClick

Look, we have all heard about clickbait titles. And as much as we hate them, they work

While you should steer clear of click-bait. Creating a magnetizing title can really attract potential viewers to choose your content. 

Additionally, the more your title attracts viewers on Youtube over similar search results, the higher your video will be placed in the results!

Pro tip on Youtube titles! Dave Nilsson added “Keep the title length to 70 characters max because YouTube trims lengthy titles. Plus, include NUMBERS in your title and capitalize the first letter of each word.” 

4. Use YouTube Suggest

“Start by typing a keyword in the YouTube search field. Since we’re talking about lawn care, type something like ‘lawn care’, ‘mowing’, or any services you offer. While you’re typing, you’ll see a list of suggestions flowing in. Now, this is gold because YouTube is telling you exactly what the audience is searching for. Great, isn’t it?” -Max Harland, the CEO of Dentaly

It’s true, this is a great tip for building more searchable content

Even better, if you are ever suffering from “writer’s block” you can simply go onto Youtube, and use this technique to find new content ideas. 

While you are at it…

Take a look at the search results for the keyword you choose and look at the videos you will be competing with. That way you can have a good idea of what worked for other lawn care pros in the past. 

Bonus Pro Tip! Max Harland also suggests that you need to create compelling and enticing thumbnails. Like a magnetizing title, a compelling thumbnail can attract more views. You  can follow the tips for marketing your lawn care company on Instagram when choosing a thumbnail. 

5. Collaborate With Bigger Channels

“YouTube has a lot of content creators in the home and gardening space. These creators have a following that is interested in anything that could help them improve their home, including products/services that would make that easier. Content creators typically have their business contact details listed in their videos’ description box or “About” section of their profile.” 

“Reach out to them and say that you want to partner with them to feature your service in one of their videos.” -Stephen Light, Co-Owner and Chief Marketing Officer at Nolah Mattress 

No doubt about it, collaborating with others is a tremendous way to build an audience on Youtube. 

There are many ways to collaborate with other YouTube creators. From working with commercial lawn care brands such as fertilizer and grass seed channels to cross-promoting your channel with a lawn care professional in a nearby service area. 

Either way, working with other channels is a great way to grow your YouTube channel fast. 

6. Use LiveStreams for Q&A’s

“We do live videos for Super Sod. The content is all focused on helping homeowners with lawn care. Experts advise people about when to plant, what types of grass there

are to choose from, how to make sure your sod will take, and more. In their live streams they also always feature a “weed of the month”. Then they break down where the weed grows, how prolific it is, what types of environments are prone to get this type of weed. They answer viewer questions live in the comments.” -Donna Davis Owner of Live Streaming Atlanta

Once you have few subscribers, going live is a great way to connect with your followers directly.

Many lawn care channels like Super Sod’s tend to go live about once a month. 

This not only helps them connect with their audiences. But it also allows you to get instant feedback from your audience and see what they are most interested in. 

Best of all you can curate your future lawn care videos with the information you gained.

7. Share Your Video Across Multiple Platforms

It’s no secret, it takes a lot of work to produce a quality video!

So using that video across multiple platforms simply makes sense.

Once you have completed a lawn care video be sure to share it on all your other platforms like:

  • Your company blog,

  • Facebook,

  • LinkedIn,

  • and any other platforms you use to market your company.

Bottom line, by sharing your amazing lawn care videos across many platforms. You can get the most out of your hard work. 

At the End of the Day: YouTube Marketing Tips for Lawn Care Pros

Using these 7 tips for marketing your lawn care company, can help you take your YouTube channel to the next level. 

And your business will soon follow!

Better yet, if you target your audience well enough you can build your brand's authority, and capture new clients in your service area. 

Until next time, keep grinding!

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